Chapter 11

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Last night's events was nerve wracking for Jimin but he wouldn't lie to say it wasn't a fun experience because it sure does. He surely will remember last night's event until the day he dies.

He couldn't contain his smile even when today is a hectic day for everyone at the university.  He almost doze off while walking back to their apartment after class due to tiredness, that is finally catching up to him when something, no, someone made him wake to his senses.

He noticed a car following him. How did he knew it is him being followed? Well, he already did took a few turns here and there on the streets when he really does not know where it will take him but enough to know he is being followed.

He finally stop in his tracks and shoot a quick death stare at the driver behind the tinted windows of the car that also took a stop beside him.

Jimin is now contemplating whether he runs from here or smash the car's window with his backpack.

Of course, he choose the stupidiest thing to do - knock on the car's window, to which the mysterious driver inside gladly pulled down the window where the omega is standing.

Jimin was dumbfounded.

How could he forget? Today is the tenth day Yoongi will be needing his answer to his request. Nope, scratch that. It was more of like an order from the alpha to which the omega shall oblige.

"Is this really necessary? I mean, do you have to treat someone nice before you. . you know, kill them?" Jimin murmurs, as he play with his fingers underneath the table and scan's Yoongi's handsome face.

Yikes, did he just think the other is handsome? Maybe, but he will not tell. He's an alpha anyway. He must be used to hearing it from everyone.

"So is that an answer to my request to marry me?" asks Yoongi, as he sips down his whiskey.

They are currently at a five star restaurant at the top of a luxury hotel for the rich and influential people to which Yoongi decided to rent the whole place just for a few minutes of being with the younger but of course, he wouldn't brag about it on the table nor Jimin needs to know. He wants to keep it low-key is what he thinks but boy, Jimin knows better especially if he was bought for 13 Billion by the man infront of him like he was just buying a candy in a candy shop.

Jimin sighed. He looks down at the food served infront of him and back at Yoongi.

"Why?" he asks.

". . ."

"I mean, you don't really have to, but I just don't get it. Why me? I'm sure there's a lot of Beta especially female ones who wouldn't think twice to marry you."

"You're pretty."

Jimin's eyes widened. Red is tainting his cheeks like a ripe tomatoe.

Is he flirting with me? he thought. But of course, he knew better. He is not going to let the alpha treat him like a good omega that he should be because again, he is playing the role of a beta.

He placed his chin on top of his intertwined hands to act as a support as he flirtatously eyed the older man.

"You think so?"

Yoongi nods and leaned himself near the younger to take a closer look at him. Just like he thought, an innocent face holds a sinful side. He smirks to himself. Seems like he found his equal in Jimin's form.

"But it'll be a waste if your face ends up crush on the street because of you falling from up here." says Yoongi, smirking.

Jimin pouts, as he rolls his eyes. Did he just misread the older by thinking he is trying to flirt with him? Well of course. Again, he is an alpha. Why would he flirt with a beta? He is not an alpha nor a female one on top of it.

Yoongi leans back on his chair and finishes his whiskey before putting the glass back with a soft thud on the table.

His aura changes as fast as a blink of an eye. "So? That was your decision, huh?"

He reminded the younger of the real reason why they are both here. Why he brought him here - for Jimin to say yes to him. For him to be the king's queen. And even though he knows the younger might refuse, he wouldn't take no for an answer. He is Min Yoongi for pete's sake. What he wants is what he will get, by hook or by crook.

"Not really. You think I'm brave enough to reject a powerful alpha like you, Mister? Don't play with me. I'm just a beta. A follower of your kind so whatever you say, I'll obey but. . we know that's really not the reason why I will say yes to you. I just want to repay you in my own little way for keeping me alive."

Jimin is really not sure what will happen next now that he agrees to be Yoongi's queen. He just hopes he is not the alpha he fears to know one day and that he will not regret his decision of saying yes to him. However, at that very moment, he was surprised when the older flicked his forehead.

"What was that for?" he asks, pouting.

"For belittling your kind. Don't say that again. I will appreciate it if my queen will be a little rebel," he smirks, before standing up to his feet and walks away without a care, leaving a dumbfounded Jimin staring at his back.

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