Chapter 21

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"Get the fuck off me!" he screams with glossy eyes when the alpha pulled him forcefully only to slam him to a hard, cold wall. It almost makes him whimper. The alpha's scent infront of him is too much for his liking especially when it is because of pure lust.

"Your alpha must be an idiot to let his omega alone in a room full of alpha, don't you think?"

The sweet honey but distress scent from the omega lingers across the hall which other alphas who went out of the venue are trying to find where the scent is coming from. Not to help but to take their chance with the omega. Of course, who wouldn't? It is a rare moment for an omega to be in a room full of alphas especially if it's a male omega that is much rarer than female ones.

"S-Stop. . Please. ." he cried, when he felt a warm but disgusting hand went inside his cloth.

"Beg a little more sluttier, omega," the alpha whispered disgustingly to his ear.

The drug makes Jimin want to submit to the alpha infront of him but the thought of it itself makes him want to fight the effects of the drug. No, he is not going to let a drug loose his virginity especially if it is not with his husband.


He suddenly remembered Yoongi. How would he react if he knows about this? He doesn't want to disappoint him nor want himself to be killed in a young age, so with all the remaining strength he has, he pushed the alpha infront of him and run out of the bathroom to seek help and get out of the hotel.

"Come back here, you slut!" the alpha shouted in anger as he chases Jimin along with the other alpha who already figured where the scent is coming from.

As ironic it might seem, but Jimin could only thank all the ones that are in heaven when the elevator door opened and revealed Yoongi with Jungkook and Namjoon along with some bodguards. He instantly let himself fall on his husband's chest, not doubting how the other would react as he revelead his secret in the open that he is infact, an omega all along.

It took seconds for Yoongi to take a grasps of what is happening and he immediately raised a finger, signalling for his men with Jungkook and Namjoon to take care of the enemy. Yes, anyone who would go after Jimin is considerd his enemy.

He and Jimin was left inside the closed elevator. He hear whimpers and moans coming from the omega, asking for him to be taken by the alpha. Of course, the lustful and sweet scent coming from his omega is tempting to which no alpha can resists but Yoongi knows better. As much as he want to get his high with the younger, he won't. He needs his consent and not when the other is like this, like when he is drug or so.

"Please?" asks Jimin, batting his eyelashes, cheeks are flushed red with his mouth open.

Yoongi gulped, fighting the urge of his indecent thoughts the omega is trying to give him.

"Please forgive me, birdie. This might hurt a little," he whispered to the omegas ear before knocking him off to sleep.

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