Chapter 30

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"Yoongi, why do you have two male omegas in your room?" asks Doona, accusingly to Yoongi when she enters his office.

Doona might be a beta and have an alpha son that is old enough to feed himself but it doesn't mean she is going to let things slide when it comes to omegas especially male omegas that are highly rare and is being sought after by a lot of greedy, lusty alphas just to breed.

"Eomma," says Yoongi, raising a hand to stop Doona to whatever she might want to add as he stops typing infront of his laptop, "One of the omega you saw in my room is my husband and the other is his bestfriend. I have to had his bestfriend come along because he seems to not calm down without the other and vise versa that is why they are there. I suggest for you not to go back in my room because you might wake them up especially my husband and it'll be hard for me to be in my own house since my omega seems to have a strong scent even on his first day."

Doona was flabbergasted to what she had just heard. One, her son just casually told her he got himself married. Two, to an omega? Three, and most especially to a male omega and all of that happen without her knowledge? She could feel herself fainting from the revelations.

"You're not kidding me, aren't you? Because if you do, I'm really gonna beat your ass up, young man!"

"I wish I am." he replied, nonchalant.

Luckily when Doona faints from the shock, Jungkook and Namjoon just got in time inside the room to catch her from falling. Yoongi also immediately stood up to assist and the two looks at him, questioning, what he had just done for his mother to loss consciousness.

"Maybe, Imo really didn't expect you to get married," jokes Jungkook, as he fans Doona's face with a fan made out of thin wood and fabric with embroided flowers.

"Yeah, hate to say it but it could be true especially if its Yoongi we're talking," Namjoon adds, nodding.

"I wish I could be worrying about that now but what I worry the most is the day after today. Jimin is not a normal omega. He is a male omega and as far as what I know first day of male omega's heat is just the calm before the storm. I'm not sure if I need to stay here to make sure he is safe or if I have to be in a hotel until his heat passes and leave him with some beta and female alphas that can protect him. I can't take a chance to have a single male to be in here beside from him and Taehyung but I also worry who can really take care of them."

"Didn't we saw them before with Jin? I mean, Jin is a beta, right? Do you think Jin will take a time off work if he knows your husband's situation and that Taehyung is with him?" says Namjoon.

Truthfully, Namjoon of course wants to help but if he could also get to see Jin then it will be a win-win situation for the omega and him too.

"Yeah! I'm pretty sure Jin might also be aware that they're both omegas or, maybe not? But it doesn't hurt to try."

Yoongi thought about Namjoon's suggestion and that is why he sent his right-hand at the club where Jin works.

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