Chapter 12

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"Here," he hands the exquisite fountain pen to Jimin whose sitting right next to his left.

They are now inside a small office room, to one of Yoongi's many houses in Seoul. Walls are covered in burgundy paint with lights that matches the atmosphere of the room that is filled with books and comfortable couches.

"Thanks," he muttered, taking the pen with slightly shaking hands and began signing the papers infront of Mr. Yun.

Jimin will not lie about how nervous he was signing the marriage contract, as for all he knows, these said papers are now going to be his end.

He will no longer be as free as he was. He will be a prisoner of the Alpha. Great way of hiding the fact that he is an omega - a male omega, which happens to be very, very rare nowadays and being sold in an auction as a Beta for the cost of an omega, Jimin couldn't be more nervous once the cat is out of the bag.

He let out a sigh once he was done signing the papers and pushing them towards Mr. Yun who simply scanned the papers to make everything is signed.

"Congratulations, Mr. Min and to your Beta," says Mr. Yun but the Alpha was quick to correct him.

"My Queen, Mr. Yun."

"Ah, yes. Your Queen." says Mr. Yun, correcting himself and gave the two a quick, shy smile before bowing and leaving the two behind.

Yoongi took a glance at Jimin when he heard him heaved a deep sigh.

"Finally! I can now breath!"

"Weren't you breathing the whole time?" asks Yoongi, smirking.

The omega leered at Yoongi's bold attempt of annoying him and was thinking of strangling him but he knows better.

"Really? On our first day of marriage, Alpha?" he replied, using an almost seductive tone as he stares at Yoongi with his siren eyes, ". . I don't think so."

Yoongi was lost in the omega's eyes for a hot minute, almost forgetting Jimin will leave after signing the contract as part of their agreement that he can still live a normal life after being wed to him. Afterall, the omega agreed to be wed to him even though the only piece of information he knew is that he is a rich Alpha and nothing more that will doubt his decision. Thank the heavens that he isn't aware of what he really is.

"Before you go, I want to have this," he hands him a shining, black card with the omega's first name paired with his last name - Min Jimin.

He had it done just yesterday and was satisfied how Jimin's name goes so well with his family name like it was meant to be that way since the beginning.

Jimin's eyes went wide and he almost stumble when he saw what Yoongi is trying to give him and instantly waved his hands to indicate a hard 'No', almost wanting for the ground to swallow him whole. He was so embarassed. 

"I-I. . No! I mean, I'm all good! You can keep your money to yourself and uhm, bye!" he rushed out of the mansion as fast as he could. He was so surprised of what just had happened. Never in his entire life would he able to see a black card that he only sees in the internet, let alone had his name on it.

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