Chapter 25

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Jimin's first day of heat is always a mess.

He's a whinny omega. A vulnerable omega, asking for a lot of cuddles.

For most, when an omega whines, they seem cute especially to the eyes of their alpha or beta but perhaps for a male omega it is an entirely different case especially when the omega is Jimin.

The suppressants becomes nothing when an omega is in heat. It seems that their body is rejecting whatever chemical is trying to get in their system.

Today is one of the rarest thing to happen and that is for either of them to be in heat at their apartment since they had basically trained themselves ever since they learned about their rank and the facility that can somehow makes them feel safe during times like this, that a week prior to their heat, they will take a leave and admit themselves in. Taehyung knows how risky it can be to go out to ask for Jin's help whose just next door because as soon as he tries to open the door, the faint scent of an omega in heat will spread like wildfire and that is something he doesn't want to risk for the safety of both of them.

Unlike the myth, omegas are not affected when another omega is in heat like what most knew -- in a way. An omega in heat cannot equal to another omega to be in heat. What happens is, when an omega is in heat with another omega who isn't on theirs yet, somehow it just affects them to be more caring and more touchy to the other which leads to them be more a little sensual.

A perfect example of this myth debunk is how Jimin straddles Taehyung for a kiss to which the latter submits.

"Aigoo, look how whinny you are when you're in heat but acts like a cold, old brother when you're not," he jokes and continues to give pepper kisses on Jimin's lips.

"M-More. ." whispers Jimin as he hungrily looks at Taehyung's lips that made the other chuckle.

"I'm really a deadman once your husband founds out about this."

They continued kissing until Jimin fell asleep and that is when Taehyung felt a little relief because now, he can look up to Jimin's phone and find Yoongi's number to ask for help but was dumbfound to found none. He looked at Jimin's sleeping figure and imagined strangling him to his sleep.

How could his bestfriend/soulmate not have a direct contact to his Husband? How is he suppose to help him now?

"You dumbass," he whispered and heaved a sighed. There's no other option now than to get out the room as fast as he can and ask for Jin's help. He probably might be sleeping already but fuck it. He cannot let Jimin stay on their apartment for too long especially when heats could last for few days and can get intense as the days goes by.

He looks at Jimin's sleeping figure and wondered what might have happened that changed his heat schedule. His heat always comes first and starts 1 week after his finishes and that concerns him. This had never happened before.

Taehyung was now about to get out of their apartment to ask for Jin's help and contact Solar when a knock was heard. He went to check in the peephole who it might be and was surprised to see it was no other than Min Yoongi.

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