Chapter 20

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Jimin stared at his reflection in the men's bathroom. He looks sick --- sickening hot, is what he wants to think even though he is indeed, sick. It started this morning that he feels under the weather but since he had an event he has to attend, he endured and made sure to take a couple of supressants way beyond prescripted dosage for security measures and so far, nothing bad is happening yet and he wants to keep it that way until the event ends.

The event is full of alphas. It'll be hard to think that there are betas as well, much more for an omega to be there. The scent of the alphas are lingering all over the event hall and drives the betas to be submissive to any alpha that would request them to be but for Jimin, it makes him dizzy and wants to puke.

He noticed how most alphas wants to get to any of his members pants including him and it pisses him off. It just shows how alphas really never take betas or omegas seriously. They just treat them like a piece of candy or a trophy.

Then he was suddenly reminded of himself that he is indeed married to an alpha. He wonders if Yoongi is also like this when he is not around and that thought somehow made Jimin's heart ache.

It had been three hours since the party had started and the event hall is going wild with each passing hour. He can see how alphas started to flirt with each other and some to the betas and it makes himself cringe of the thought of him catering any alphas that is not his husband (it's not like he wants to be loyal since the said alpha hasn't and don't have any plans in marking him or anything like that but still), he just kept himself busy by ordering a couple of drinks that much to his comfort is being done by a beta bartender. It somehow reminded him of Jin who also works as a bartender in a club that pretends to be a beta too.

"Hey, you're one of the dance team, aren't you?" asks the alpha who just sat beside him and Jimin could internally facepalm to his self already. This is exactly what he is trying to avoid and yet, it happened.

"Yes, I am." he deadpanned, determine to bore the alpha intentionally but the other doesn't seem fazed about it.

"You're really pretty for a beta, and a good dancer too. Want to dance just like your friends over there?" asks the alpha, pointing to Jimin's friends that's in the dance floor grinding and having a time of their lives with the alphas they're dancing with. Jimin immediately shook his head in dismay. He pretty much rather get himself drunk and pass out than be like his co-members.

However, it was a mistake that he took a good look of his friends and forget about his drink in the open to which made it easy for the alpha beside him to slip a drug in it that will intoxicate him later on for the omega to be submissive of. It wasn't a surprise that Jimin was able to get the attention of the alphas since he really has a good doll face along with a body to die for that makes most of the alphas wants to take him home but they try to keep their distance to avoid any scandal after the party but the alpha beside Jimin right now isn't a coward to get what he wants. If he has to play a dirty game then he will just to have the omega for a good one night stand.

"Thanks but no, thanks. I rather keep myself sober enough for my husband." he replied, surprising the alpha beside him when he showed him his ring finger being occupied but of course, it didn't stop the other to get what he wants. In reality, it pumps up more his desire to take the omega then and there because who wouldn't want to corrupt someone's property? But of course, you might want to think twice or just never do it especially if that someone is Min Yoongi.

"I see, but you look like someone who is still in college. I bet your husband must be so protective of you especially with a face and body like that."

Jimin wants to punch the alpha beside him because clearly, this one just wants to get into his pants and he is not liking a bit of the alphas indecent thoughts of him. A deep sighed escaped his lips.

"Well, I guess you are right. You should be scared of my husband. He is not one to joke around when it comes to me." says Jimin, chugging down his drink before composing himself and get out of the party. He, himself, didn't know where those words came from but base on how rich and enigmatic his husband is, he is sure that if he do or anyone does anything to him, the alpha wouldn't think twice to turn the said person down.

"Well, I might want to see that."

Jimin could only smirk before leaving the alpha behind to which little did he know, is just waiting for the drug to take effect on him to which it did.

"F-Fuck," he cussed, as soon as he realized the supressants he took is wearing off. The omega scent is now lingering all across the venue hall.

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