Chapter 32

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It was dead silent inside Namjoon's car for a straight ten minutes when he finally muster up all the courage to tell Jin that he actually does not need to go to the police station to report his missing friends and to instead come with him as he knows where they are.

Jin was surprised and contemplated for a hot minute whether he should trust Namjoon that he or his friends didn't do anything to his friends given that these alphas already knows that Jimin and Taehyung are omegas. He is also quite not sure if his friends mentioned to the three that he is infact, an omega too all along and not a beta working at said bar.

He is scared that they might have been watching them for a long time now and just excuted their plan recently to harm them as omegas. The thought alone made Jin's chest ache thus making him unconsciously tremble infront of the alpha, scaring Namjoon so he immediately stopped the car in the middle of the road to help Jin calm down who now releases a distress scent.

"Hey, hyung. Look at me." calls Namjoon as he carefully reach for Jin's left cheek to caress it softly, "Whatever you're thinking, it's not true and it will never happen. I'm here to protect you and not to harm you or your friends, okay?"

It's hard for Jin to believe an alpha but if it is Namjoon telling him those sweet, sickening words then he may let it pass.

The alpha released his own woody scent that calmed the omega down and a little bit snoozy. When Namjoon was sure Jin is already okay, he starts to drive back to Yoongi's house.

Before they can even reach the house gates, he saw a distress Yoongi standing beside Doona and his brother so of course, as his right-hand, he knew that this might already be something serious for Yoongi to be outside his own house when it's not yet even the time they planned taking him in to the Hotel where he will be staying for a couple of days. He immediately but softly wakes Jin up which luckily he did at first try.

"We're here."

"Why are they outside? And why does Yoongi looks like he is fighting Jungkook and the woman beside him?"

"Well, I guess it has something to do with your friend," he replied.

The moment they got out of the car, Jungkook immediately notices them and with no second thoughts yelled for help.

"Hyungs! Please, help us! Yoongi hyung is getting hard to control!"

"Yoongi! Get the hell out of your senses! You have to remember you're the one who decided to leave your husband for a few days to keep him safe and your sanity!" she exclaimed, shielding the big gates with her frail body as a beta just to keep the whinning omega inside the mansion, looking for Yoongi to be safe.

As the three tries to stop Yoongi from going berserk because of his omega's whinning, calling for him which by now is getting stronger and affects other alphas nearby aside from Yoongi, Jin was quick to understand as to why the alpha might have bought them here. Jimin's heat was really something else that he hears from the younger before that there are times the facility is having a hard time keeping him in unlike other regular omegas. He can now from where he stands the smell of sweet tangerine with a hint of flowers scent from Jimin but was surprise to have another one of lavender and patchouli, poisoning the air and he knows that if he will not act now, he might get affected too soon and that is the last thing he wants these people beside Jimin and Taehyung to know.

One omega cannot affect another omega to be in heat but to have two omegas in heat scent combined, that's a different case for a sensitive omega like Jin.

But he wondered why Taehyung just had his heat right now when it was always him first before Jimin's? Was he really in heat or this could be something elses?

"Namjoon, I need you take Yoongi's shirt off," he orders him in a hurry.

"W-Why?" Namjoon was taken aback by Jin's request but it was more like because his alpha's instinct is kicking in. He is being jealous and territorial towards Jin.

"Just take it off and hand it to me. I will give it to Jimin so you can take Yoongi away from here before it gets worst." he deadpanned.

Namjoon abide to Jin's request and hand Yoongi's cloth to him to which the other immediately snatched and ran towards the gate where Doona is still standing to stop his son from entering.

"Thank you," says Jin when Doona opened the gate only for him to enter.

"No, thank you," she replied with a wry smile to which made Jin confused.

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