Chapter 13

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"I still can't believe it, that my own soulmate got married without having me accompany him at the aisle!" exclaimed Taehyung, sulking at the corner as he bore a hole with his stare at Jimin's back whose currently busy playing his nonsense online game.

Scratch that, it wasn't nonsense but he can't seem to understand why he wasn't invited. It was a major life event and Jimin makes it sound like it was just a walk at the park.

He wants to see what his bestfriend could have worn and how he walked down the aisle or what could have been his outfit as his bridesmaid! So it was just understandable for him to sulk regarding this matter with Jimin.

"I told you, whatever you have read in books or saw in movies, it was far from that, Tae. None of that happened. It's just like when you got the part-time job you applied for, yeah. The wedding went just like that and I already knew how it will go beforehand, that is why I didn't ask you to be there because knowing you, you're going to complain like you're the one who is going to be wed." says Jimin, finally pausing his game and giving his bestfriend the attention he needs.

Taehyung sighed.

"So, is he now aware that you're really not a Beta?" asks Taehyung, walking towards Jimin and sitting beside him.

Jimin shook his head.

"Why not? What if you get yourself in trouble for not telling him that you're an Omega and not a Beta?"

"He doesn't have to know, Tae. Besides, it'll only be troublesome for the both of us. Especially on my part and you know what I mean about it."

Both sighed in unison.

"It sucks to be an Omega," says Jimin.

"But it has its perks too," defends Taehyung, wiggling his eyebrows to which the other smacked his head for it.

"No, I don't want a pup!"

"Don't you dare say that! Of course, you want to have a pup or pups someday but not now. We're still struggling in our studies. So even though you are already married with that husband of yours, you're not allowed to a pup yet with him. I know he must be very, very handsome for you to agree to that marriage aside from him being rich."

Taehyung dreamingly hugs a pillow as he lays down on their bed, imagining Jimin and his Alpha together.

Yes, they share a bed together, not that it matters to any of them. And yes, they could have gotten themselves another set of bed but their funds won't allow them to have one due to bills they have to pay inorder for them to survive.

"So when are you and your husband going to meet again?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh my god! Don't asks me, What do you mean? I mean, what do you mean by that? Aren't married couples supposed to stay at one place together?"

"Oh, about that. He is actually okay with me living separate to him. Like I said, our marriage is solely for his benefits. To keep his power or something like that."

Taehyung's mouth hanged open. He couldn't believe such marriage exists. He thought those only exists in fiction books but then, a smile crept his face - he knows exactly how things like this ends in fiction books and he couldn't wait for it to happen.

"So, did he give you anything after you two got married?"

"Well, he did actually but I--"

"What did he gave you?"

"A black card but I--"


Taehyung rose from the bed like a vampire being summoned by the night from his coffin and looks at Jimin with horror in his eyes.

"But I refuse it, of course."

"Jimin! Why?! Just why?!" he could feel himself wanting to pull all his hair out from his head. Damn, they could have almost afford designer clothes already especially Gucci but his stupid soulmate refused it like it was just nothing.

"Because I don't need it when I'm already in debt to him."

"But you're married to him."

"It's just to pay him back."

"Still married."

"Ugh!" Jimin could only roll his eyes at his soulmate but then Taehyung is right. He is still married to Yoongi which means, what's his is basically his as well.

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