Chapter 26

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"Oh hi, my soulmate's husband! What brings you here? I mean no offense but Jimin said you're a busy person so it's kind of surprising to see you infront of our apartment." says Taehyung, trying to build a conversation but at the same time, he is nervous to let the alpha know that Jimin is in heat.

He might be wanting earlier for him to be with Jimin but now that Yoongi is standing infront of him, he's now having second thoughts.

Not only because he finds the man intimidating, Yoongi gives off this vibe wherein he seems to be on a different level in the society and that thought alone scares him for the safety of his bestfriend. Who knows what he hides behind his sleeves to marry Jimin out of the blue, out of all people, not that Jimin doesn't deserve the lavish life but he doesn't want Jimin's life to be on danger.

"Is he sleeping?" Yoongi asks, calmly.

"Uh, yeah? Do you have to tell him something?" he replied, stepping out of their apartment and quickly closing the door before the faint scent of Jimin's heat could reach the alpha's nostrils.

"No, but I need to get him back to my house."

"W-Why?" Yoongi's response alarmed Taehyung. What does he mean by getting Jimin back to his house? Since when did Jimin got to his house? he thought.

"We both know the answer to your question, Taehyung."

His eyes widened in surprise when Yoongi called him by his name. He shouldn't be surprise though given how rich he imagined Yoongi could be to get his of their information but still.

"No, I don't." he lied. Denying the fact that the older might have already knew about Jimin's rank and that Yoongi could be behind as to why Jimin's heat cycle changed. He not yet sure but he will find out soon.


"He's still sleeping. Why don't you try--"

"I'm not going to let my husband spend his heat in this apartment. Look, I know we just met a few days ago but my Jiminnie or you doesn't deserve to be in danger just because one of you is in heat and is not somewhere near safe. I'm not gonna risk both of you to be feasted by hungry, idiotic alphas or betas out there."

Taehyung was stunned. He couldn't comprehend whether his mind is playing tricks on him or the alpha infront of him might be of a different breed of alpha because never did he ever thought seeing or rather to hear from an alpha themselves be concerned of their kind. Was this some kind of plotting Yoongi is trying to play infront of them? That, he is not sure and yet can't lie that he finds it hot and envies Jimin's man is like this. Now, he wants his own, real alpha.

"Can I see him now?"

He nods and slowly opened the door, just enough for Yoongi to come in and only him, leaving the body guards outside.

"How long have he been sleeping and when did his heat started?" he stares at Jimin, whose peacefully sleeping, looking like a koala, hugging a pillow like his life depends on it. He chuckled to himself.

"Not too long ago same with his heat. I was actually surprised that he got his earlier than mine. His starts a week or two after I."

"Mmh," he caresses Jimin's cheek. Luckily, the younger didn't stir on his sleep, "You can come along if you're not comfortable with the idea of Jimin being in my house to spend his heat there. I'm pretty sure he might look for you too once he wakes up."

"R-Really? Can I?"

He nods, "But you will have to see your Doctor first. Jungkook will be accompanying you to the facility to get your results."

Now this gets Taehyung baffled.

One, why does he have to meet his Doctor all of a sudden? Is it because, like Jimin his heat have also change and it might be either today or tomorrow or the following day?

Second, who the hell is Jungkook? Yoongi's bodyguard? Is he one of the men outside waiting for them to come out? Why does the name makes him shiver?

Next thing he knew was, Yoongi wraps his blazer around Jimin to keep him warm and hide his heated scent once they gets out of the apartment.

"I really should've insisted you to take my damn card. You're too light. You need to eat a lot more," whispers Yoongi to Jimin's ear but is not that low enough for him not to hear.

Oh man, they just met but he can  already feel how Yoongi is undeniably head over heels for his bestfriend. Plus, he feels like a third-wheel right now.

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