Chapter 7

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"For a first time buyer of a special, I never knew you would spend that much, hyung. He is not even a sword, more importantly a female but he sure looks one. Much prettier too," says Jungkook, staring at the sleeping figure on Yoongi's lap to which his bottom half is now covered by the alpha's coat.

Namjoon nudged his younger brother when he saw how sharp Yoongi's eyes are at Jungkook. He must not have noticed how their boss suddenly got protective and possessive over Jimin.

"What?" he looks at his brother, annoyed.

Namjoon side eyed Yoongi and Jungkook finally understood what he meant.

He cleared his throat and fix his composure and looks outside the window. He tries to get Jimin out of his head by remembering the boy he fucked at the bar's cubicle. He never thought he will be doing that other than to a female but who could he blame? Like his brother and Yoongi, he likes pretty things. He just hope he was able to get the boy's name. He is pretty too for a boy for him to mistake him as a female especially that female clothes suits him.

The car stop infront of the mansion and Namjoon was quick to open the door for Yoongi who is now holding Jimin into his arms, bridal style. Whatever drug the auction owners injected him must be so strong for Jimin to be knocked out.

"Bring a towel and a basin in my room," says Yoongi and the maids working in the mansion immediately scattered upon hearing his order.

He entered his room with Jimin still in his arms and laid him on his bed. He made sure to lock the door just in case. It's not like he is going to do anything to him. Yet. Well, maybe.

Yoongi stared at the younger's face.

He looks like an angel sleeping in a demon's bed, he thought.

He carefully wipes his face with a damp cloth. Making sure to clean the other from whatever dirt he might have gotten from the auction.

He removed Jimin's shirt himself not because he wants to see what his body looks like - okay yes, maybe a little, but again, he wants to clean him and change him to a much comfortable clothes other than the shirt.

And that is when he saw the tattoo.


He went to look at the younger's face and never did he imagined that an innocent face will handle the pain of having a tattoo. A smile escaped his lips. He guess Jimin is not that innocent at all. But why is this word tattooed on the younger's ribcage? He wants to know but he is not sure if the other will allow him to know.

He sigh before leaving the younger for a minute to rummage on his closet. A red silk pajama that he have not worn yet was the one he provided for Jimin as a change of clothes. It easily glides on the younger's skin. He gulped when he realized that his skin is much softer than the females he had touched before. He immediately covered the younger with a blanket and tried to calm himself down on the side of the bed.

Maybe he was just fascinated with the younger's beauty not to mention his lips - the soft looking, pouty and plump lips of his. Will he wake the younger if he tries to kiss him?

Yoongi slapped himself.

Consent, Yoongi! he reminded himself.

He frustratedly ran his finger onto his hair before standing up with the shirt in his hand. He was about to put it in the bin when a faint smell coming from the shirt caught his attention.

Sweet. Too sweet.

He turned his back to the sleeping figure of Jimin with his one brow raised.

His scent is too sweet for a Beta.

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