Chapter 4

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"Chim! Are you still mad at me?" asks Taehyung, pouting as he clings to Jimin's arm. Jimin just gave him an eye roll.

"What do you think, Tae? Was I supposed to be happy?" he whisper-shouts, "I taught you better than that."

"But bedroom sounds boring."

"And doing it in a public cubicle is romantic?"

Receiving stares from other students as they walk together at the Building of the Arts where Taehyung class is at, is no longer new to them. Everyone at their school thinks they are a (Beta) couple.

Yes, they do take their supressants daily to help hide their level in the society.

"Oh, who says it wasn't? And as far as I can remember, he has big di--!" Jimin cheeks and ears went red as he immediately covers his mouth with his palm, earning cries of protests from Taehyung when he didn't remove it until they reach his classroom.

Oh, to have a bestfriend like Taehyung.

"Go inside now so I can go to my class."

Taehyung pouts but obeys him. A sense of pride made Jimin's heart swell. He really likes it when he makes someone obey him. It makes him feel a connection with the alphas. Is this how they feel everytime they get what they want from betas and omegas? he thought to himself.

True to his words, as soon as Taehyung went inside his class, he went to his. While on his way, he couldn't help but daydream of what it feels to be in love with someone, setting aside the levels whether it is an alpha, beta or just another omega like him. He wants to fall inlove with a female who will accepts who he is wholeheartedly. He cannot imagine himself being with another man. It scares him. In his defense, most men are aggressive whereas females are fragile.

He wants to take care of someone's fragile heart like it is his own heart and most fragile hearts are from females not men. If they are, they are hard to find pretty much like an omega disgusing as betas.

Probably that is the reason why he turned all those men down who had tried courting him because all of them are just after for one thing and that is something he would not give to anyone else no matter who and what they are.

He won't deny he has the beauty and body everyone elses envies of and for him, it is a curse rather than a blessing.

Of course, there are also females who likes him but the moment they knew how much of a softie he is, they turn him down because they prefer a bad boy type and he doesn't get why do they like one. What is it with them that he don't?

Classes went by smoothly just like the other days in the university and it is finally time for them to go home.

"So what's for dinner?" asks Taehyung as he customize his character's outfit.

"I don't know. What do you want?"

"How about a take-out?"

"Fine, but we're not going to order online. Remember the delivery fee the last time we did? It could almost buy us a bottle of juice!"

Taehyung hummed in response.

"Italian?" asks Jimin.

"Too expensive. I thought we're on a budget?"


"We just had panda express last week."


"We ate bibimbap on our lunch break."

"Then what do you want?"

"Japanese. I want sushi."

"Then sushi it is. Imma head out."

Jimin wore a hoodie and a mask to match his sweatpants and slides. Before he could even go out, Taehyung asks him another question.

"You want me to join you?"

"Nah, I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I'll just be quick so you don't have to worry. As if someone will take notice of me." he jokes but the other just eyed him which somehow made him think twice but of course, he is Jimin. He is not going to bother anyone.

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