Chapter 6

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"It's nice to be in an auction again," says Jungkook as he walks side by side with his brother and Yoongi. It has been awhile since the three of them went to an auction and it was because of Yoongi loosing his interest when his supposed purchase was taken away from him by another buyer. What was it you ask?

A sword.

Yes, a sword. He likes swords especially those that are made by swordmasters for long years. He collects them as he finds them pretty and feels connected to it. Maybe because of the fact that Doona has a royality lineage to her so he believes he is part royal just like her.

As to why his supposed purchase was taken away? Well, let's just say that even though Yoongi is an underground boss and can get anything he wants, when it comes to auction, he only allows himself to splurge for a tight budget of 500 Million and during the time when his supposed sword was taken away, he only has 3 Million left and he does not want to go overboard not unless it is something special, a one of a kind - unique.

"Do you think they will have something special tonight?"

"Well, aside from the fact that there will be swords to be sold in this auction tonight, the real question is, will they be having another Beta for sale? The last one they had was a very pretty female that was bought for 15 Million and mind you, whenever they have a special, they are always virgins."

Yoongi cleared his throat, "And your point is?"

"And his point is, instead of you getting someone, somewhere in the streets, why not buy a special and make her your queen? In that way, we can make sure the other is clean and haven't been touch by anyone. You'll be their first. They will still be considered outside the organization as what you want."

Yoongi shrugged. He is still not comfortable with the idea of getting married and Doona's words still haunt him. He knows she is just stating facts on how his mother was treated and to be honest, he is scared to be just like his father. Yes, he is cold, unforgiving, a monster to everyone but he is not kicking aside the fact that he wants to feel how it is to protect and love someone like his breathing depends on the other and for him to be love too, just how Doona loves him as his son.

The three arrived at the auction room and a few familiar faces was seen and greeted the trio but Yoongi couldn't care less as he is here to purchase and not to talk about business. For now, he wants to buy as much as pretty swords he likes.

"And oh, we are so lucky tonight, ladies and gentleman. It has been awhile, we know, since a special was for purchase but here we are again and this one, oh ho-ho! This one is really pretty for a boy."

Whispers from the crowd became loud and the trio was about to get out of the room when Jungkook turned his back and was mesmerized of the blindfolded beauty that is now being positioned at the centre of the stage, wearing only a white shirt that reaches half of his thigh and nothing at the bottom at all. He sat elegantly with his legs slant on the side.

"Damn," he whispered.

This comment made Namjoon turn his head too and boy, was he too, couldn't utter a word seeing the pure, innocent boy with a ball gag in his mouth.

"Joon. Kook. Let's go," called Yoongi when he felt the two was just standing there and him, being himself was getting impatient. He already wants to have a closer look on the swords he just bought but the two wasn't cooperating with him.

He was a centimeter close to step out of the room when he heard a faint moan that sent shivers to his spine and made him stop in his tracks.

A sudden yell from here and there was heard afterwards. Afterall, they are in an auction so this is a normal thing to hear.

"5 Million!"

"20 Million!"

"35 Million!"

"50 Million!"

"80 Million!"

See, Yoongi is not a fan and never once likened the idea of buying a person when he can get it for free in a bar or anyone who wants to fuck with him but this, this had never happened to him before. No one had made him stop on his tracks just with a single, faint moan that made him want to kneel and surrender. Was this just lust on another level? That he don't know. He wouldn't know not unless he will spend time to be with the stranger.

"Alright, so no one wants to go higher than 500 Million? Going once? Twice?"

Yoongi sigh in defeat before turning his back to see the boy at the centre stage that left him dumbfounded and oh, did his jaw drop when their eyes met.

"Alright, sold for--"

"13 Billion."

There wasn't even an exclamation on how casual Yoongi drop the price. The crowd went dead silent and everyone was surprise especially the ones who knew Yoongi - Namjoon and Jungkook almost went deaf due to pure shock.

But more importantly, the stare between Yoongi and Jimin hasn't break yet since they laid eyes on each other.

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