Chapter 38

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"Our people are pretty much aware that we have omegas in our possession and as much as I want to think that that is a good thing, it is a bad thing too because now they are thinking that we planned to have them whereas we didn't, and from what I heard from one of our men, our enemies seems to be plotting something since they are pretty keen to think that none of the omegas our mated to us," says Namjoon.

Jungkook chuckled, "Well, they all must be stupid for them not to notice that Tae is pregnant."

"But it doesn't mean he is pregnant, he is mated. For you to be known mated, you need to have a mark from whoever you share your bond with. Whether that person is still alive or has been dead, the mark will stay." says Doona, pointing at her neck with Yoongi's father mark on it.

"So what do we do? We can't just put a mark on them against their will."

"With Jimin, Yoongi has no problem. They're married - legally. My son just have to discuss this matter with Jimin but again, Jimin has to decide whether he is comfortable being mated with my son or not. However with Taehyung and Jin. ." she looks at Namjoon and Jungkook, ". . I'm not sure how you're going to talk about them regarding this. As much as I want to provide suggestion to you two, you have to figure it out on your own. Taehyung is quite sensitive since he is pregnant with the still unknown alpha that impregnated him and Jin, well, he sure is good on his own as what I can see."

The trio sighed in unison.

Meanwhile, Taehyung is with Jimin at the garden area, laying on their backs as they look up at the sky above them.

"It's been two months, Tae."

"Yeah, two months. Can't believe we've been here that along," says Taehyung before smirking, "Can't believe you've been married that long."

Jimin turned his head towards Taehyung.

"What do you mean by that?"

Taehyung shrug, "I don't know. Maybe I am just surprised that you haven't even tried running away from your alpha. I remember you being so choosy of who you associate with. Never thought you will settle for a Min Yoongi."

"Why? Is there something about him that you know that I don't?" he replied, sounding upset, "You always seem to have beef with my husband." he pouts.

Taehyung chuckled, unfazed with Jimin's reaction. He doesn't mean it in a bad way, he just couldn't believe that Jimin, his soulmate and bestfriend seemed to have found the perfect alpha for himself. Not that he is jealous, he is well aware of Jungkook and as well as his brother Namjoon are both good alphas. It's just unbelievable that as omegas they were able to find good ones, not treating them for offspring reasons.

However Taehyung knew they aren't ordinary alphas. He is very aware of those type of vibe and he knows he is not delusional. Especially when he saw Jungkook one time arriving late at work with a gun in his hand. He knew what he saw even when it was just a reflection from the metal door of the oven. He knew Jungkook hide it well when he saw him standing at the kitchen aisle, thinking he didn't saw him because he was facing him back. But he knew better.

There's this one time too when he heard the trio discussing land expansion. He knew it isn't a normal expansion that they are referring too.

There's a lot of maids, butlers and men making rounds in the house to make everything secured and safe. Jimin may not have notice it yet but he did.

But even though will all those observations, no matter how dangerous people they are, those alphas keep them safe and treated them right. Allowed them to do what they want to do, especially him even he is pregnant.

"Chim, do you want to come with me? I'm sure Appa will be happy to see us. It's been awhile since he visited."

"Ajeossi?" Jimin perks up, grinning happily, "But, uhm. ." he suddenly remembered Taehyung obvious bump on his stomach.

Taehyung's Father had been working outside Seoul. He is a businessman who has a strawberry farm in Busan. His mate had died years ago due to illness and he had been looking out on his son ever since and a year after Taehyung'a eight birthday, comes Jimin who was neglected by his family just because he was an omega. He took care both omegas and treated Jimin as his own and when they decided to enter the university together in Seoul he gladly allowed them and visits them whenever he can.

He was afraid, yes, but he is not going to stop them to achieve their dreams and happiness. He made sure to educate them well about their rank and what they need to do if someone harms them.

Jimin took the role being the 'older' of the two so he is worried what Taehyung's father reaction will be once he founds out that his own son is pregnant and his adoptive son is now married. He doesn't want ro disappoint the first person to believe and supported him ever since his parents abandoned him.

"Don't worry, Chim. I've already told Appa. It was hard, really. He wants to see us right away after I told him updates about us but I told him he must have to wait since we're both scared of seeing his disappointed look but he only said he isn't, as long as he'll meet our Alphas and make sure that they're good ones."

"But, Tae. . who are you going to bring?"

"Who else do you think?" he replied with a smug look on his face.

Jimin's eyes widened in horror.

"Tell me you're kidding?!"

Taehyung shook his head.

"Tae! That's a foul even though you and Jungkook looks a lovely couple! Are you sure Ajeossi wouldn't notice? Or is there something you're not telling me?"

"It's for you to find out."

"Tae! I'm your soumate!"

Jimin protests before standing up to catch up on a slow, running Taehyung.

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