Ch.229 Santa Experience

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Emma took the day off to take Hope and Leia to meet Santa at the nearest mall in Maine. She was driving a few hours to the mall in her yellow bug. She was wearing a white turtle neck underneath her thick red coat. Hope was wearing a Disney Christmas sweater over a dress and Leia wore a MinnieMouse dress. Killian was wearing a thick wool sweater underneath his winter coat. Hope was excited to meet Santa from the stories her parents have been reading to her. "Dada."

"Little pirate, are you excited to meet Santa?" Leia screams. "Love, it is a great idea to take the girls to meet Santa."

"I always wanted to bring my kids to meet Santa as Christmas tradition. The girls are going to love it, hopefully."

The family arrived at the mall. Killian takes out the double stroller from the back of the yellow bug. Emma unbukcled both daughters from their carseats. Killian pushed the double stroller into the mall. "Love, we hav enot been to the mall since Florida."

"Our first mall trip was on our baby moon when Iw as pregnant with Hope."

"Aye, my first mall trip."

"Today is the first mall trip for the girls."

"Their first meet and greet with Santa Claus."

In the center of the mall, there was a train ride with a large Christmas tree in the middle of the train tracks. The meet and greet with Santa was on the other side of tree. "There is a train ride, little loves."

"Do you want to ride on the train, Hope, and Leia?"

"Twain!!" Leia babbles pointing at the train.

"Aye, the lasses are going on a train ride." Emma bought the tickets as Killian were with the girls waiting on the line with other children and their parents. When the train arrived, the children went on.

Emma walked with the girls. "You two get to go ona fun ride."

"You coming Mommy?"

"No, Hope. I cannot fit on the ride. I am going to watch you and Leia with Daddy." Leia hugged her sister. "You are going to sit with Leia." Hope smiles at her sister. She made sure her daughters sit together and took a picture of her daughters.

Emma went back to the white fence and stand next to Kilian who was waving to the girls.

When they arrived at the line to meet Sta, there was a long line of parents with their children, some were crying when they met Santa. Hope was jumping up and down while waiting online to meet Santa. The train began. Hope and Leia wwere in awe. Killian took a video of the girls on the ride as they passed by on his iPhone.

When the ride was over, Hope held Leia's hand off the ride, Emma was as there to greet them. "You two went on a fun ride!" Leia goes to her Mommy. "Did you have fun?" Leia babbles.

"Mommy Leia is saying I had fun!" Emma giggles. "It was fun."

"That is great, Hope."

Killian holds Leia. "We are going to meet Santa, now." Leia babbles.

There was a long line to meet Santa Claus, Hope was jumping up and down in excitement. Leia was trying to escape from the line, and Killian was following her around. "Whoa...whoa Leia." He holds Leia. "We have to wait on line to meet Santa." He puts Leia on his shoulders and points where Santa is sitting."You are going to tell Santa what gifts you want for Christmas." Liea babbles. Emma takes a photo of Killian holding Leia over his shoulders.

Hope and Leia's turn came. Emma faces her daughters. "Okay, Hope and Leia, it is your twur to talk to Santa." Hope went ahead. 'Hi, Satna."

"Hello, little girl. What is your name?"

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