Ch.270 Six Year Old

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Emma was rushing into Hope's school in the afternoon with Henry. She was carrying Ian in the carrier. Henry was helping his Mom carrying in box of cupcakes for Hope's birthday party in school, the day before Hope's birthday. Charming was watching Leia at home as Killian was working in the pub.

She and Henry arrived in time for Hope's birthday party in the class. Hope was wearing a birthday crown. "Mommy!!"

"Hi, sweetheart." She hugged her daughter.

"Hi, Henwy."

"Hi, little sis."

"Ian!" She jumped up and down.

"Ian, wanted to come with us." SHe hugged her brothers.

Hope had Henry help her pass out the cupcakes to her classmates. Everyone sung birthday to her and she blew her candle on her cupcake. Emma took a video of her daughter blowing out the cupcake with the 6 candle. Emma hugged her daughter and crouched down for photos with her almost 6-year-old, Henry took the photos on his and their Mom's iPhones.

Snow White enters the classroom. "There is almost a birthday girl."

"Nana!" Hope runs to her Nana to hug her. "You miss the song."

"I will be there for your birthday song tomorrow on your birthday!." She kissed her granddaughter on the head.

Ian was set on the floor, he began crawling. He screams. Hope sees her baby brother crawling to her. "Ian crawling!!" She sits on the carpet. Emma and Henry sat next to Hope. Henry was recording his baby brother crawling on his iPhone. Hope scooped her brother in her arms. "Ian you crawled to me." The class cheers.

She faced her almost 9-month-old son,"Ian, you made your Mama and Hope and her class proud." She kissed her son on the cheek.

Snow White faced her granddaughter. "Hope, Ian crawled to you."

"He did." Ian babbles. Snow White takes a photo of her granddaughter and grandson.


"Crawl to Mama." She moved around. Hope set her brother on the carpet. Ian crawled to his Mama. "That is my baby boy." Ian smiles and reached out to his big brother.

Henry takes his baby brother from their Mom. He walked around the classroom holding his baby brother.

Snow White faced her daughter. "Looks like Killian needs to adjust those baby gates."

"Yes, he needs to do them now before we get home. We have a crawler!"

"Are you excited for her birthday celebration tomorrow?"

"Yes. Hope wanted to do art for her birthday party. Henry gave us the idea."

"She is going to love it."

"Yes, my baby is turning 6 tomorrow."

"Mommy? Nana?"

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Can I show you my writing?"

"Yes, you can show us." Hope showed her Mommy and Nana her handwriting.

Around midnight April 20th, Emma was up watching her oldest daughter sleep. "You are six today, baby girl. I have been raising you for 6 years already. Your Daddy and I love you so much." She kissed her daughter on the head. She hears Leia crying and enters her daughter's room and turns on the light. "Leia."


She holds her daughter. "Did you have a bad dream, rainbow duckling?"


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