Ch.240 Special Day for Moms

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Around town, there were banners hanging , Happy Mother's Day to honor all of the mothers in the town. Killian was up early on Mother's Day shopping for his swan with Leia. At the flower shop, he finds buttercups. Leia wanders off to the balloon section, she finds Happy Mother's Day balloons. "Dada! Dada!"

He comes over to finding Leia holding a balloon. "Mama!"

"You found a balloon for Mommy!"


"You can give the balloon to Mama, little love."

Emma was getting very uncomfortable being almost 7 months on Mother's Day. She cannot believe that she is having a baby boy she get to raise from the very beginning. She was carrying Ian heavier than her other babies. She waddles over to Ian's bedroom. The crib was set. She and Killian bought baby boy items, onesies, diapers, sailing decorations, and Henry items for his baby brother.

Killian returns home wit hLeia. She goes to Henry and Hope in the kitchen. He finds his swan standing in their son's nursery. He hugged his swan and rubs her baby bump. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am. I cannot believe that I am pregnant on Mother's Day with our son. His room is not even complete.."

"I have a feeling his room will be full of baby supplies and everything we need to raise him. He has a lot of onesies, Granny is knitting a blanket for him, and we have boy bedding and toys for him. Hope and Leia shopping trips with your Mom in town for Ian. He has a lot of stuff animals and pirate theme plushies. His nursery is half ready."

"I am ready to meet him already." She rubs her baby belly.

"I am ready to meet him too, love. Your Mom has been asking me questions on what we need."

"She has been busy planning our combined baby shower with Allison. I do not want to know how much decorations she has planned."

"Probably much more than Hope's birthday party on my ship and at our gender reveal combined." Emma laughs.

"When is your next sonogram?"

"In the beginning of June."

He rubs his wife's baby bump."He is safe inside of you, love."

"I am feeling huge as a house."

"You are beautiful and not the size of a house."

Hope arrives upstairs. "Happy Mother's Day Mommy!!"

"Thank you, Hope." She kneeled down and hugged her daughter. "Where are Henry and Leia?"

"They are cooking bweakfast. I have a gift for you!"

"You do?"

"Yes,wight here!" She shows her Mommy her gift.

"I am going to open it, sweetie." She sits on the rocking chair and opened her gift, which was a framed photograph of her with Hope. "I love my gift from you, Hopey. Thank you."

"You are welcome. I have something else for you."

Killian gives Emma the next gift from Hope. She opened her gift which was yellow crocket sweater with a butter cup on it. "Ooh, yellow sweater with a buttercup!"

"Nana helped me cwochet the buttercup. I helped with the yellow part. It is for you!"

Emma hugged her daughter. "I love it! I am going to wear it!"

"Yay!" She hugged her daughter.

"Ian, in your belly hard to hug."

Emma chuckles. "I know, sweetie. When he is here with us, I am going to give you big hugs! I can still give you hugs now. Okay?"

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