Ch.205 Swan-Jones Christmas

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On Christmas Eve, the living room had many decorations that Hope and Leia helped Killian choose on a shopping trip in town. The presents are wrapped and hidden in the closet upstairs. Killian and Henry shoveled the snow and placed salt on the deck, it was time to go sailing. Killian was sailing his ship with Leia on his chest in her carrier cooing away while the ship rocked. Emma was on the sails as Henry was in the motor. It was a cold winter day, but he wanted his family to sail. His littlest pirate was enjoying her first sailing day with her family. "Littlest pirate, this is how Dada sails the Jolly roger. Just like in Henry's storybook." After a short sailing time, due to the cold winter weather, he docked his vessel back at Storybrooke. "Dada. Why stop sailing?"
"Because it is very cold, little love. But we are staying on the Jolly Roger."
Leia began crying. "Swan, Leia needs to warm up in the captain's quarters."
"Aye, captain." She scooped Leia in her arms. "My rainbow duckling, dada says it is time to go inside to warm up." Leia continues to cry. "We are staying on the Jolly Roger, sweetie." She enters the captain's quarters and enjoys the warm heater that Kilian set up. She unbundles Leia from her layers on the bed and kept her Christmas onesie on her. Leia smiled. "You love dada's ship. I love Dada's ship too." She kisses Leia on the head enjoying her one-on-one with her baby ducking giving her kisses everywhere.
On deck, Hope was playing in the snow as it began snowing again. Emma returns with the baby monitor. "Swan, I can hold the baby monitor."
"Thank you. She just went down for her nap. She loves her Daddy's ship."
"Mommy, more snow!"
"Do you want to make a snowman?"
"Yes!! Snow piwate!"
Emma smiles, "We are going to make a snow pirate. My little pirate princess." She began making a snowman with Hope's help.
"Swan, are you really making a snowman?"
"Yes, captain."
"Dada, we are making snow piwate."
"Aye, you can build a snow pirate, little pirate princess." He gives them broken barrel sticks for the arms. Henry finds extra rope for the scarf. Killian helped his swan roll the snowballs. He hears Leia's crying from the baby monitor.
"Killian, I got our littlest pirate princess."
"Mommy, pway."
"I will be right back."
"Leia can join us."
Emma hugs her daughter who loves her sister."I will bring your sister with me" She goes into the captain's quarters, they have a heater inside the quarters to keep warm from the cold winter weather. "Leia." She scoops Leia in her arms. "Baby duckling." Leia coos. "Did you have a good nap on Dada's ship?" She was hungry. Emma sat down on Killian's chair breastfeeds her daughter. "Leia, we are on Dada's ship." She kisses her daughter on the head.
Hope throws a snowball at her brother. "Hope!" Hope laughs. Henry throws a snowball at her and chases her around the deck.
"Henry, Hope be careful. There is ice on the deck!" Killian puts salt on the deck so his children won't slip on the deck.
Emma hears Killian outside as she burped Leia. "Rainbow duckling, let's go see what your big brother and big sister are up too making your dada serious." She puts her daughter in layers and wraps her in her blankie. She goes to her husband. "Captain, our littlest pirate wants to know why her dada is yelling?"
Killian scooped Leia into his faces his littlest pirate. "Dada wants Henry and Hope not to run on deck. There is no running on deck especially when it is icy." Leia reaches out for her Daddy's hook. He smiles letting his littlest pirate hold his hook. "You can be with dada, little pirate." She chews on her Daddy's hook.
Emma goes to her eldest daughter. "Hope, we need to build our snow pirate."
"Yes! Snow piwate." Emma and Hope build a snow pirate. Henry helped them by stacking the big snowballs and finding other objects on the ship to make the snow pirate's face.
Killian shows Leia the steering wheel. "Leia, this is a steering wheel. This is how Dada gets Jolly Roger to move." Leia ahhs. "You will steer the ship too, littlest pirate. You are part pirate." He kisses her on the head.After the snow pirate was finished, Henry took a photo of his Mom, his two sisters, and Dad with the snowman on his iPhone. Emma took a photo of her family on her iPhone. "My pirates it is time to head inside the captain's quarters."
"Dada, stay outside."
"It is cold, little pirate."
Emma kneels to face her daughter."It is getting dark outside, baby girl. We are going to have Granny's and cinnamon hot cocoa."
"Hot cocoa!" Henry and Hope went inside.
"Swan, I ordered Granny's they will deliver here."
"That is the plan, captain." Leia began crying.
"Leia, we are only staying on Dada's ship." She scooped her daughter in her arms. "We are going inside where it is nice and warm."
"I am going to meet you inside, love. I am going to turn on the Christmas lights."
"I love the Christmas lights, captain." She kisses him on the cheek and brings Leia inside. "Henry, can you hold Leia?"
"Yes,I can." Henry takes his baby sister from their Mom and lessens her layers, into her Christmas onesie. Emma took off her snow boots and winter coat. "Hope." She stripped Hope off her thick winter coat, hat, and snow pants. She helped Hope into leggings. "Do you feel better?"
"Yes, not hot anymore." Leia began crying.
"Kid, I can hold your sister." She takes her daughter from her son. "Leia." She puts her daughter on her chest.
"Little sis, do you want a story?"
"Yes! From your book!" Hope goes to her brother's backpack and gets his book out.
Henry goes to his baby sister. "Baby sis, I am going to read you a story from my book. Do not cry."
Emma rubs Leia's back. "I think a story will calm down your baby sister, kid." Emma sat down on the bed. Hope and Henry joined them on the bed. "Leia, Henry is going to read us a story."
"Baby sis, Henwy is the author of the book."
"Hope you are right, little sis." He opens his book. "Once upon a time, there was a long-lost princess of the Enchanted Forest..." Leia stops crying and moves around. Hope hugs her Mommy. She kissed Hope on the head. Emma smiles at her son who was reading her story to his sisters.
Killian turned on the Christmas lights, which shined red, yellow, blue and lights shone around the Jolly Roger. He smiles, at his home was decorated for Christmas with the winter snow on the deck with a pirate snowman. "Now this is Christmas, the Swan-Jones way."
David arrives on the Jolly Roger. "The Jolly Roger looks ready for Christmas."
Killian turns around smiling at his father-in-law. "Thank you, Charming."
"I was walking here when I saw Ruby with your delivery."
"Aye, I paid my order in advance before we went sailing."
He sees a snowman. "You sailed with a snowman."
"It is a pirate snowman." Charming smiles his son-in-law getting so offended by a snowman, he has changed so much. "It was Emma and Hope's idea. He is a pirate snowman."
"Where is Emma?"
"Inside the captain quarters. Follow me." He led his father-in-law inside. Leia was fast asleep on his wife. "Swan."
Emma sees her father. "Hi, Dad."
"Hi, Emma." He rubs Leia's head. "Hi, littlest princess."
"Hi, Gwamps!" Hope goes to her Grandpa and hugs him. "Henwy weading a stowy."
"Henry is reading you a story?"
"Yes! Henwy best stowyteller" Hope jumped up and down. Charming chuckles.
Killian takes the delivery bag from his father-in-law. "Little love, time to eat." Hope followed her Daddy to his desk.
Emma carried sleeping Leia to her Dad. He rubbed Leia's cheek. "How is the baby princess?"
"She is enjoying her Daddy ship. She was with Killian in her carrier as we sailed and loved it. She only cried when she thought we were leaving the ship."
"She takes after Killian."
"Yes, she does. Do you want to hold her?"
Emma places her daughter in her Dad's arms. Charming smiles at his youngest granddaughter. She takes a photo of them on her iPhone. "Hi, little Leia. I hear from your Mommy that you are enjoying your Daddy's ship." Leia wakes up and began wailing.
"Rainbow duckling." She scooped her daughter in her arms. "You are with Mommy, baby duckling. Shh..shh..." Leia gripped her Mommy's shirt and stopped crying. Emma smiles. "You just want to be with Mommy." She kisses Leia on the head. "Dad, I am sorry about Leia."
"That is okay, sweetheart. She just wants to be with her Mommy." Emma smiles.
Hope goes to her Mommy and baby sister."Mommy, is Leia okay?"
Emma kneels down with Leia in her arms. "Yes,she is happy that I am holding her. She is not sad anymore."
"Good." Hope kisses her sister on the head. "Baby sis."
"You are a very sweet big sister." She hugs her daughter. "My two girls." Charming took a photo of Emma smiling hugging her daughters.
Killian carried Hope as his swan carried sleeping Leia to their home."Dada, Jolly Woger."
"Little love, Santa won't come if little girls and boys are not in bed sleeping."
"Santa is coming tonight!!"
"Little sis, we will set out cookies and milk for Santa before we go to bed." The family arrived home, Killian and Emma got their daughters ready for bed. Henry takes a shower downstairs. He holds his baby sister so their Mom can get ready for the night. He helped Hope set the cookies and milk by the tree.
"Cookies and milk!"
"That is what Santa eats after he drops off the presents underneath the tree."
Killian sets up a fire in the fireplace. Emma brings sleeping Leia downstairs to the rest of their family. "Swan, how about a story before bedtime?"
Emma smiles. "Good idea, captain."
"Jolly Woger stowy?"
"I am thinking of a Christmas story?"
"Yes! Chwistmas stowy!!" Henry smiles, his little sister does take after him. Hope climbs onto the couch next to her Mommy and Daddy. "Baby sis eyes closed."
"She is going to listen to the story, baby girl. Even with her eyes closed." Hope hugs her Mommy. Killian opened a Christmas book. "Once upon a time, it was Christmas Eve, Santa's elves were busy getting ready to get Santa's slay full of presents for all the boys and girls in the land..."
After storytime, the two girls were settled down for the night, Henry went to Ava's. Emma and Killian were snuggling by the fire enjoying their quiet time together. He kisses his swan on the head. Emma began crying into him. "Emma?" He gently lifted her chin to face him. "What is it, love?"
"Eight years ago, I never thought I would have this...I was in Boston, alone, had no family, no friends, no Henry... I was alone in this world by myself. I never thought I would have Henry in my life, a loving caring husband at my side, and being able to get my second chance of being a Mom to Hope and Leia. I would never think I would have a home with a family of my own, and celebrating holidays with my family, creating family traditions...I never thought I would have all of this."
"You have everything love with me on my side. All because you helped everyone when our son brought you home. You are not alone anymore, love. You have a whole family that loves you so much." They hug.
Emma felt safe in her husband's arms. "I love you so much, Killian."
"I love you so much, Emma." He kisses her on the head.
The next morning, Hope woke up in her parents' room at 5:30 in the morning. "Mommy!! Dada!! Chwistmas!!!" Hope jumped up and down in the bed.
Emma wakes up. "Merry Christmas Hope!!"
"It is Chwistmas Mommy!!"
Emma hugs her daughter. "We have to wake up Henry to open presents."
"Leia too!"
"Yes, Hope. We are all going to open presents together." Hope goes to Henry's room.
Henry wakes up smiling. "Hope, did Santa come?"
"Not sure."
"We have to go see." Henry gets out of his bed and followed his little sister downstairs.
Killian groans."Swan, our little love woke us up at 5:30 in the morning."
Emma chuckles. "She is excited for Christmas. It is normal for kids to get excited for Christmas."
"Aye, she is excited to see what Santa brought."
She hears Leia waking up and goes to her cot. "Leia, merry Christmas, baby girl." She scooped her daughter into her arms and kissed her on the head. "We are going to open presents from Santa." Leia fusses.
"Swan, I think our littlest pirate is saying it is too early to open presents."
Emma smiles. "Baby duckling, you can be with me while we open presents. I know Dada and Mommy will help you open your presents." Leia moved her hands around and placed her hand on Mommy's cheek. Emma was smiling. Killian smiles as he took the photo of the mother and daughter moment on his swan's iPhone. "She is saying Merry Christmas to her Mommy."
"Yes, you are right." She was looking at her daughter. "I still cannot believe we have another daughter to celebrate Christmas with."
"Aye, I am grateful to have another little daughter, with you, love." They kiss.
"Mom! Hope is trying to open presents already!"
"We are coming down, kid." Leia coos. "Yes, we are going to open Christmas presents with your big brother and big sister." They went downstairs seeing piles of presents for each child. Emma sat down on the couch holding Leia in her arms. Hope sees her sister. "Leia! You are awake!"
"Before presents, we have to take a family photo of all of us in our matching Christmas pajamas."
"Aye, it is tradition after all." They were all wearing red pattern pajama pants,with reindeer long sleeve shirts. Leia had the onesie version of the pajama set. Henry set the timer on his camera and sat on the couch with the rest of his family, Killian sitting on the end with his arm wrapped around Emma, with Leia in her arms. Hope was sitting in between her Mommy and her big brother as the family photo was taken.
"Little sis, we can open presents."
"Yay!" As they opened their presents, Emma was bottle feeding Leia, she was grateful to be a Mommy again to another daughter. She kisses Leia on the head. Her pirate took photos of the mother and daughter and the older kids unwrapping gifts on his iPhone. Killian burps Leia and lets Emma hold their littlest pirate as her older siblings were opening presents. Emma was smiling seeing her two older children's excitement opening their presents. Hope got an easy-grip pirate ship puzzle, a toy ice cream set, and a toy picnic basket to go with her toy kitchen. She also got Disney Minnie, Mickey, Pluto, Goofy, Daisy and Donald playset, a Disney princess light pink pullover sweater and a Disney princess pattern dress. Henry got her a hoodie from his college. Henry opened his pile of presents, art supplies, 5 new videogames for his xbox, DC pajama set, a Christmas Batman ugly sweater, a Flynn Ryder shirt. Hope got him book, Lost Legends:The Rise of Flynn Ryder.
"Mommy, Leia tuwn."
"Do you want to help Leia open her presents?"
"Yes! My present first!" Hope went to the pile of presents and chose her present. "Hope! Mine!" She goes back to her Mommy and baby sister. Killian puts his little pirate on his lap. "Baby sis, this is from me."
"Leia, Hope got your Christmas present. She chose it all by herself for you." Hope opens the present, of the onesie and shirts she chose at the Disney store, Minnie and & Mickey, Ariel, and Belle onesies and shirts. "Wow! Leia you are so lucky. Hope got you Disney clothes just for you."
Leia coos. Hope smiles. "Baby sis likes my pwesents!"
Emma smiles."Yes, she does, Hope. She loves her onesies and shirts from her big sister." She kisses Hope on the head.
"Can I hold Leia?"
"Do you want to help Leia open her presents?"
"No, hold baby sis.Pwease, Mommy." Emma smiles as she placed Leia in Hope's arms, helping her hold her baby duckling's head. "Baby sis, best pwesent." Emma and Killian were in awe.
Henry smiles as he takes the photo of his two sisters. "Our baby sis is the best Christmas present." Hope kisses her sister on the head. Leia moves her arm around. Henry gives his baby sister his finger, which she grips. "Leia, you are awesome." Emma was in tears her three children are the best and with her. Killian captures the moment on his iPhone, he has a feeling Emma was going to frame this one. After Killian and Henry opened Leia's presents, teething rings, light-up toys that sing, a deep space tummy time toy, fur kitty bath time robe, hairbow bandanas, and a book for 3-4-month-old babies. Leia began crying. "Baby sis, do not cwy."
"She needs her diaper change, Hope. I am going to change her into a new outfit. Which one should Leia wear?"
"Awiel onesie and Belle shirt."
"Good choice." Emma takes Leia upstairs to her nursery and changed her diaper. "Leia, you are going to wear a brand new outfit from your big sister." Leia moves around as her Mommy was changing her into her new outfit.
"Dada, open my gift pwease."
"Little sis, Mommy and Daddy need to open their presents first."
"Aye, I can help her open her a present while we wait for Mom to return." He opens the pirate ship puzzle. He teaches her how to use the puzzle.
Emma returns downstairs with Leia in her new outfit. "Hope, you chose a great outfit."
"Baby sis weawing the outfit I got her!"
"Mom, it is my turn to hold Leia." He scooped Leia into his arms and sits on the couch. "Baby sis, you look so pretty in your onesie and shirt from Hope." Leia coos. "Yes, Hope knows fashion." Hope sits next to her brother and sister.
"Swan, it is time for us to open presents from Santa." Emma and Killian opened their present from Santa. Emma got an oversized turtle sweater, make-up, a swan pattern pajama set, red silky pajama set, and swan bath bomb. Killian opened his presents from Santa, a bottle of rum, a new black leather jacket, a Pirate's Pantry cookbook, and an eyeliner set. "Hope, this is Dada's makeup. You can play with Mommy's makeup." Emma gave her husband a dropped jaw look, teasing him.
"Dad, there is a big present for you and Mom from the three of us." Leia fusses. "You are staying with me, baby sis." He kisses her on the head.
Killian carried the large wrapped gift to his swan. "Swan, we can open this together." They opened their present from their children together, which was a family portrait of all five of them on the Jolly Roger. "Henry, it is so beautiful."
"Thank you, Mom."
She hugs her son carefully with Leia in his arms. "I love it." She hugs Hope. "Did you help Henry?"
"Yes, I did, Mommy!"
"You did a great job, little duckling."
"Lad, this is stunning. Brilliant job."
"Thank you, Dad." Leia began crying.
Killian takes Leia from his son."Leia, you are in Henry's painting. Shh..shh..." He gives his swan another gift. "Before I put down, our littlest pirate princess goes down for her morning nap. This is from Leia." Emma sets Hope down and opens her gift which was mold, of Leia's feet, Leia Faith Swan-Jones. "Leia, I love the gift you made for me." She kisses Leia on the cheek. "Did she give you a hard time with the mold?"
"Aye, yes, she takes after me, not into art."
"I love the artwork." Leia began wailing.
"Swan, I will put Leia down for her morning nap." Killian takes Leia upstairs.
"Hope, did you help Henry a lot with the painting?"
"Yes, I did a lot of painting with Henwy!"
"You are my art assistant, little sis." He hugs her and spun her around.
A few hours later, Killian and Henry were getting dinner prepared as Emma was getting Leia dressed in a red fuzzy dress with a white fuzzy bow headband. Hope was playing with her new toys in the living room. Henry and Hope were watching a Christmas movie. Emma was in Leia's room when Allison called. "Hi, Allison. Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Emma."
From the sound of Allison's voice, something was wrong. "Is everything okay?"
"Not really. Connor and Lizzie both have high fevers and vomiting."
"Oh no, they are sick on Christmas."
"Yes, they are. Connor went to his friend's house and came home sick yesterday. Now, Lizzie has the same virus." She sighs. "I am sorry that we cannot come."
"That is okay, I understand. They are sick."
"We need to meet up soon when Connor and Lizzie are not sick."
"We do need a girls' day."
"Yes, we do before you return to work."
"Yes! I will let you go to take care of Lizzie and Connor."
"I will update you."
"Please do." They ended their phone conversation. "Leia, Auntie is not coming today, your cousins are sick." Emma carried Leia downstairs to the kitchen, Killian was setting up the antipasto. "Hi, littlest love." He kisses Leia on the cheek and looked up at his swan knowing something is wrong. "Emma?"
Emma shifted Leia in her arms."Allison, Ted, and the kids are not coming. Lizzie and Connor have high fevers and a stomach virus."
"Aye, sick on Christmas. That is bloody awful."
"I know." Leia gurgles. "We are still going to have a great Christmas."
"We are going to have a great Christmas, Mom the Swan Jones way."
"The lad is right."
"Is Ava coming over?"
"Not today. They are doing a family Christmas tradition in the woods." Henry takes the appetizers into the living room.
Killian smiles at his littles pirate princess. "Aye, it is Leia's first Christmas with us." He scooped Leia into his arms. Leia grabs her Daddy's hook and chews on it. Emma smiles at her husband and daughter.
There was a knock on the door, Henry answered the door it was Mulan. "Merry Christmas, Henry."
"Merry Christmas, Mulan."
"I brought presents."
"Come in." Henry lead her in.
Emma sees Mulan. "Merry Christmas, Mulan."
"Merry Christmas, Emma." They hug. "I just finished my shift, I wanted to give you all gifts before I head home to Aurora and little Phillip. Thomas and August are taking the next shift as your schedule sheriff."
Hope goes to Mulan and hugs her. "Hi, Mulan!"
"Hi, Hope. I have a Christmas present for you."
"A pwesent!" Mulan gives her the present. She opens the box which was a Disney Mulan plush doll. "A Mulan doll!! Mommy, I got a Mulan doll!!"
Emma smiles, "That is awesome, Hope. You got it front he real Mulan." Hope hugs her new plush doll. "You added to Hope's Disney princess doll collection."
"Yes, I did."
"Mulan, you are better than the movie."
"Aaww!!" Mulan hugs Hope. "You are awesome, Hope." Emma takes the rest of the presents inside the living room.
Killian sees his fellow deputy. "Hi, Mulan."
"Dada, Mulan got me a Mulan doll."
"I finally figure out what a movie is. After I watched the movie, I bought this doll for Hope."
"Thank you, Mulan."
"You are welcome, Hope."
"Henwy!!" Hope goes to the living room. "Mulan doll from Mulan!!"
Killian and Mulan chuckle. "Killian, she is so cute."
"Aye, she takes after Emma."
"She takes after you too."
"How is having Aurora and Phillip at your house?"
Mulan smiles. "It is going well. I am happy that Aurora and Phillip are living with me. She is safe and happy with me. She is seeing Archie for her abuse with Phillip Sr. She talks to me at night. Phillip loves having two moms. We are a happy little family."
Killian smiles."Aye, I noticed you are happier since we helped Aurora out of Phillip's clutches."
Emma returns with a bag of presents. "Here, these presents are for you, Aurora, and little Phillip. I also have baked gingerbread cookies in the bag too."
"Thank you, Emma." They hug. Mulan leaves. The couple goes into the kitchen, fixing dinner together. Hope goes to the kitchen, "Mommy, where is Auntie Allison?"
Emma kneels down to Hope. "Auntie Allison is staying home for Christmas. Connor and Lizzie are sick."
"Auntie not coming, and cousins are sick." Hope began crying.
Emma hugged her daughter. "I am sad too, baby girl. We are still going to have a great Christmas." She rubs Hope's back.
"Can we see Auntie Allison at her house?"
"We cannot sweetie. We can get sick from what Connor and Lizzie have." Hope cried more. Emma got an idea. "Hope, I have one more gift for you to open for Christmas."
"You do, Mommy?"
"Yes." Killian finds the gift what his swan was talking about. "This is from Mommy and Daddy." Hope pulls on the wrapping paper and sees a new Pluto doll, a small weighted one. "A new Pluto!"
"Do you like it?"
"I luv it!" She hugs her doll and smiles. "Thank you, Dada, and Mommy."
"You are welcome, Hope." They hug their daughter.
"I need to meet him to my other Plutos." Hope goes down and goes up to her bedroom.
"Swan, that is a good idea."
"I knew Hope will be upset when we tell her about Allison not able to come. I forget to give the doll earlier."
"Aye, it is good you gave it to her now. She loves it." They hear Leia crying on the baby monitor.
"I will be right back." She goes upstairs passing Hope's room hearing her daughter introducing her newest Pluto to her two other Plutos, her pirate Pluto is on the Jolly Roger. She enters Leia's nursery. "Little duckling." She scooped Leia into her arms and felt her diaper. She changes her diaper. "You are all clean, baby duckling." She carried Leia in her arms to Hope's room. "Leia, your sister has a collection of Pluto dolls."
"Mommy, Leia!! Come here." Emma sat on the bed letting Leia sit on her lap. "Baby sis, dis my new Pluto!" Leia coos. "Yes, I have four now. My piwate Pluto is on Jolly Woger." She gives Leia one of her Plutos to hold. Emma smiles Hope is sharing her favorite plush dolls to her sister.
Killian answers the door it was Charming and Snow White. "Hi, Killian."
"Merry Christmas, Charming and Snow."
"Come in, I will get Emma." Killian goes upstairs finding his three girls in Hope's room.
Emma turns around seeing her husband. "The girls are playing with Pluto dolls."
Killian smiles. "Hope, you are sharing your Pluto dolls?"
"Yes! I am getting Leia into Disney." Emma chuckles.
"Yes, you are little pirate princess." He looks at his swan. "We have company."
Emma was given a look, that it was her parents and looks at Hope. "We have guests to greet Hope."
"No, gweet.Pway with Leia." Leia gurgles. "Yes, pwaying wif you."
"We can play after we greet guests, sweetie."
"Okay."Killian takes Leia from his swan. Emma held her daughter's hand as they went down, Hope carried her new Pluto doll.
"Merry Christmas, Emma."
"Merry Christmas, Mom and Dad."
"Mommy." Hope hugged her Mommy's legs.
"She is not going to hurt you, sweetie." Hope runs back upstairs to her bedroom and slams the door.
"Mom, Hope is a threenager."
"You are right,kid." She looks at her Mom. "She is not used to you yet."
"I know, Emma."
Emma goes back upstairs to her daughter's room, finding her daughter crying on her bed. "Hope."
"Mommy, grandma scary."
"She is not Zelena, baby girl. She is grandma."
"Not want weplace Auntie Allison with gwandma."
Emma puts Hope on her lap to face her. "Grandma is not going to replace Auntie Allison."
"She is my godmommy."
"Yes,Hope. I learned when I was alone, there is so much room for love in your heart. I had no one until Henry found me. I met grandma before the curse was broken. She was my friend. I know you will love when you get her trust. Grandma is not going to replace, Auntie Allison, Hope. Daddy and Mommy will be with you whenever you around grandma. Okay?" Hope hugs her Mommy, she hugs her daughter. "I love you so much,Hope."
"I luv you Mommy."
Henry goes to his baby sister. Leia coos. "Baby sis." Henry takes his sister from their Dad. "Baby sis, did you have a good nap?" Leia chews on his thumb making her big brother smile
"Lad, your sisters were playing with Hope's Plutos."
Henry was impressed. "Leia, you are lucky, Hope rarely shares her Pluto dolls. Only you."
Snow White looks at her two grandchildren. "Henry, I know what Zelena did in my body to you at school was awful."
"I was bullied to the point that my Mom and Dad had to out me into homeschool."
"I really am sorry Henry. If Zelena did not switched bodies with me, I never would have done that to you."
"I know. Zelena is a nutjob." Leia fusses. "Let's go play, baby sis." Henry takes his sister to the living room.
Emma carried Hope back downstairs. "Hope, we are with grandma."
"Hi, Hope. I like your doll."
"His name is Pluto. Mickey Mouse pet doggy."
"Hi, Gwamps."
"Hi, little princess. I see you have a new Pluto doll."
"Yes, Mommy and dada got me Pluto doll."
"They did!"
"Yes. Mommy, can I pway now?"
"Yes, sweetie." She sets Hope down who goes to her Daddy."Dada come."
"Killian, our daughter wants you to come with her."
"Aye, little pirate princess."
"Can you both stay a while?"
"Yes. We can. Leo is with Granny, Ruby and Dorothy."
Emma lead her parents to the living room. Hope sees her grandma and hid behind the couch. "Hopey." Hope goes to her Mommy and grips her jeans. She sat on the couch with Hope on her lap. "You are staying with me,baby girl."
Henry goes to his Mom and sister. "Little sis, do you want to watch a Christmas movie?"
"Yes, Snoopy."
"Good choice." Killian passed out appetizers to the guests. Hope reaches out to her sister.
"Leia is right next to you, little sis." Leia coos.
Snow White carries presents for her grandchildren. Hope hugged her Mommy. "Henry, Hope, Leia, I have Christmas presents."
"Hope, grandma has presents for us, little sis."
"Hope, you do not want to open up presents? Alright, Henry and Leia can open their presents." Killian takes Leia from his son. "Leia, I am going to open your present." He opens his baby sister's present, which was a princess onesie.
Emma smiles at her Snow White. "Mom, that is going to look so cute on her."
He shows his baby sister her present. "Can you say thank you to Grandma?" Leia makes poop. "Gross." Emma and Killian laughed.
"Lad, I got your sister." He takes Leia upstairs.
"Little sis, are you sure you do not want to open your present?"
"No!" Hope gripped her Mommy.
"You do not have to open the present, now, sweetie."
Henry goes to Hope. "Hope, how about we make cinnamon hot cocoa?"
"Yes,Bwo!"Henry takes Hope to the kitchen.
"Hope is letting me nearby her. It is a start." Snow White hugs her daughter. "You are an amazing mother, Emma."
Emma smiles. "Thank you, Mom."
Killian brings down Leia in her new onesie. "Swan, someone loves her new onesie."
"The onesie fits, Killian?"
"Aye, yes, Snow. Then she pooped in the onesie and I had to change her again. She wanted to wear the outfit her sister got her." Leia fusses. He puts Leia in his swan's arms. Leia gurgles.
"Leia, you just wanted wear your sister's onesie she got you for Christmas." She kisses Leia on the head who was gurgling away.
"Mom!" Killian takes Leia and Emma rushes into the kitchen.
"Hope, just poofed away using her light magic."
"Bloody hell!" Charming and Snow White hears what was going on.
"Hope was getting sad with grandma here. I saw her light magic acting up and all of the sudden she was gone."
"I need to start giving Hope light magic lessons."
Snow White, "We will find her, Emma."
"I know where, Hope is."
"I will bring our daughter home."
"I will bring the presents to the car, love."
Hope arrived at Allison's house and finds Allison and Ted in the living room. "Auntie!"
Allison was surprised to see her 3 three-year-old goddaughter at her house. "Hope!" She scooped her goddaughter in her arms. "How are you here? Where is your Mommy?"
"I used my light magic to get here."
"Alllison, I will call Emma." Ted makes a phone call.
Allison sat with Hope on the couch. "You can only stay down here because your cousins are sick. Why did you travel here by yourself?"
"Not Chrwistmas without you, Auntie. Gwandma at home, do not feel safe there. I wanted to see you."
She hugs her niece. "I missed you too, Hope. Connor and Lizzie are sick."
"I know."
"You are afraid of your grandma?"
"Yes. I never use magic to twavel before. Mommy is going to be mad at me."
"She is not going to be mad at you, little niece. Uncle Ted is calling your Mommy and Daddy telling them where you are with me, safe." She hugs her niece.
Killian loads the presents into the yellow bug. Emma gets a phone call. "Hi, Ted."
"Emma, Hope is over at our house. She used her light magic to get here."
"I had a feeling she is at your house. She wanted to see Allison."
"She is with Allison, safe with us."
"I am on my way to pick her up." Emma gets off the hone.
"She is with Allison?"
"Yes, she is."
Killian hugs his wife. "She is safe, love."
"Our daughter did not feel safe at home It is my fault."
"She just want to see Allison on Christmas, love. It is not your fault. She is still adjusting to being around your mother."
"I am not mad at our daughter. I just do not want her Christmas being ruined like mine were, now it did." She began crying.
"Emma, I am coming with you."
"No... I want you here to be with the rest of our family."
"Okay, love. I want you to know, it is not your fault. You are going to bring our daughter home. She just wanted to see her godmother on Christmas."
"You are right. I have to bring our daughter home."
"You will, love. When you both come home, you have the rest of the Swan-Jones family together." They kiss. Emma drove to the yellow bug. Killian entered back inside to his inlaws and son and youngest daughter. "Hope is with Allison. Ted called Emma."
Charming, "Emma was right."
"Aye, Hope was upset that Aunt Allison could not come." Leia fusses.
Snow White, "Why did she leave?"
"She was afraid of you, Snow. Hope is not used to you yet, in the house or being around you for a certain amount of time."
"She really takes after Emma. I know it will take time for Hope to be used to being around me because she was Leia's age when I was watching her." Leia began crying.
"Dad, I got her." Henry takes Leia to the living room to do some tummy time. Charming hugs his wife. Killian gives Henry an extra present, to show his pirate side, his own telescope. "Awesome! Thank you, Dad."
"You are welcome, lad." They hug. He gives Leia a hook teething ring.
Allison showed her new Pluto doll. "Mommy and Dada got me Pluto doll."
"Wow, Hope!"
Ted brings Hope a present. "This is for you."
"Yay!" Hope opens her present which was a green Ariel nightshirt. "Awiel. Thank you, Auntie Allison and Uncle Ted."
"You are very welcome, Hope." They see the yellow bug pull up in front of their house.
]The doorbell rings. Ted answers the door. "Hi, Ted."
"Hi, Emma. Hope is in the living room."
"I have presents for you all."
"I will bring them in." He takes the bag from Emma.
She goes into the living room finding Hope with Allison. "Hope."
"Mommy!" Hope goes to her Mommy who hugs her right away and carried her to the living room.
"You are safe." She looks at Allison. "Allison, she really wanted to see you today."
"Hope can come over anytime. Only when?"
"When Mommy, Dada or Henwy takes me here."
"Good, little niece. Emma, Hope gave me a surprise visit."
"I have a feeling she was coming here."
"She is welcome to visit. We need a girls days."
"Yes, we need to take the girls out of town to go shopping."
'Yes! I will be right back." Allison leaves the room.
"I am sowwy, I used my light magic to leave home."
"You are not in trouble, Hope. I know you were afraid of grandma."
"I did not know about my light magic. I was afwaid."
"I know you are afraid of grandma, Hope. She is not Zelena. But she loves you, sweetie."
"She does?"
"Yes. Remember in Mommy's story how Henry found me. I was given a second chance to be in his life?"
"When I came to Sotrybrooke, I found my family. I was given a second chance to be in Henry's life. Being here with Henry,I found love from our family, Henry grandpa, grandma, and everyone in the town."
"Yes, Daddy too. I got my second chance with love with Dada. I need you to give grandma a second chance."
"I twy. Still afraid."
"I know, baby girl. Whenever you are afraid, you can be with Mommy or Daddy, to hug you. I am mad at you for using your light magic, baby girl. I need to teach you to control your light magic."
"Mommy and Hope time!"
Emma smiles big her daughter wants one on one time with her. "Yes!"
"Yay!!" She hugged her Mommy tight. Emma held her daughter as she stood up. When Emma and Hope arrived home, Killian saw the yellow bug and went out to greet them. "Hope."
He wrapped a thick blanket around his daughter even though Emma brought a coat for Hope."Hope, you scared Dada. Do not use your light magic to leave the house alone ever again."
"Only, you Mommy and Henwy."
"That is right, little love." He hugged his little pirate princess carried her inside. Emma carried in presents from Allison.
Henry sees his sister first. "Hope!"
He scooped her into his arms. "Hope! You are home!" He spun her around making her laugh.
Snow White went to her grandchildren, "Hi,Hope."
"Gwandma, hi."
"I know you are afraid of me, Hope. I am not going to hurt you like Zelena did."
"I give you a second chance." Emma and Killian smiled at each other, knowing Hope was learning from them. Snow White hugs Hope. "Too much, hug." The adults laugh.
"Swan, we need a family photo."
Emma smiles. "Yes, we do."
"Dada." She reaches out or her Daddy.
Killian holds Hope as Emma gets Leia from their Dad. Henry set up the camera, everyone was in the photo. Swan-Jones Christmas 2021.
The rest of the day, the Swan Jones family, ordered in pizza and watched Christmas movies after Emma's parents left. Henry was upstairs in his bedroom and the two girls were fast asleep, Emma was snuggling with Killian in the living room. "Killian?"
"Yes, love?"
"I have one more present for you." She hand him a gift-wrapped box.
He opens his present which was a nautical compass calendar and smiles. "Emma, where did you get this? It is must be 100 years old, older than me."
Emma smiles. "It is 100 years old, younger than you, captain."
"I love it!" He hugs his wife. "Thank you so much."
"You are very welcome, Killian." They hug.
"I have a special gift for my swan." He gives her the gift.
Emma opens her gift was a necklace with a swan locket which opens to picture of her 3 children. "Killian, this is so beautiful. I love it." He helped her put it on her neck. "I will always wear it." She kisses him on the cheek.
"I know my swan is going to start give Hope light magic lessons."
"Yes, I am starting to give her magic lessons tomorrow. Even though she use her light magic to leave the house, I am happy she went to Allison's house a place she knows where feels safe."
"Emma, she is safe here."
"I know. She told me she is still afraid of my Mom."
"Aye, something tells me our little duckling was taught about second chances."
Emma smiles. "Yes, I told her about second chances and give my Mom a chance even though she is afraid. We all are still gaining her trust. "
"The family photo is a start."
"Yes." She hugs Killian, knowing everything will out in the future will be better. She was enjoying her Christmas evening snuggling with Killian. She cannot wait for what 2022 has in store for them and their family.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now