Ch.227 Special Thanksgiving

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Storybrooke has begun cooler winter weather in the fall. The town is prepped for Thanksgiving with decorations, desserts in the bakery, and granny's had a to-go Thanksgiving menu for those who do not cook or to eat at the diner. Emma began cooking and prepping for Thanksgiving. Killian already helped her clean the turkey. Henry arrived home for Thanksgiving break. He sees his Dad using Lysol wipes to sanitize everywhere. Emma sees her son. "Henry!"

"Mom!" They hug.

"How was your ride here?"

"It went smooth. Not too much traffic. Why is dad Lysol wiping everywhere?"

"When your sisters got sick, he googled how to prevent RVS from spreading by touch. He went to the drugstore to buy 5 containers of Lysol wipes. He has been wiping everywhere ever since."

Henry chuckles.

Killian sees his son with his swan. "Henry. Your Mom told you I turned into a germophobic."

"Hi, dad. Maybe?" The father and son hugged.

"Aye, I been wiping the preschool too. Your Mom and I caught it."



"It has been rough the past few weeks here."Emma hugged her husband. "You just want to make sure that no one else gets sick."

"Taking care of the girls the past few weeks, I do not want any other child to get that bloody awful disease. We even had it, it was awful."

"Luckily, my Dad and Allison come by to be here with the girls." She hugs her husband.

"Lad, I will bring your bags upstairs. You and your Mom can catch up." He carried his son's bags upstairs.

The mother and son went to the living room. "Where is Hope and Leia?"

"Your baby sister is napping. Hope is in preschool. She missed a whole week of preschool. Your sisters were playing the whole week when they were sick. They did not want to leave each other the whole time. I returned to work this week. My Dad took over the station for us. How are you?"

"I am happy to be home. When I called you last time. I was just sad. I was having a rough day. My art project was not where I wanted it to be for my midterm."

"Have you seen Ava?"

"Yes. I dropped by her house to see her before I came here."

Emma smiles. "I am glad, she missed you. You missed her."

"I did."

When Hope was let out of preschool, she sees her brother. "HEN-WY!!" Hope runs to her brother.

Henry scooped his sister into his arms. "Hi, Hopey. I am home."

Ashley approached the brother and sister. "Hi, Henry."

"Miss Ashley, Henwy is home fwom Boston!!"

"I see your big brother, Hope."

"Hi, Ashley. How is Alexandra?"

"She is good."

"I remember when Mom and I helped you to the hospital to have her."

"If it weren't for your Mom, I would not be able to be her Mom." Sam goes to Ashley. "Or this little man's Mommy. Did your Mom tell you that Thomas and I are adopting Sam?"

He smiles big. "No, she did not."

"We signed the forms. We are waiting for our court date to adopt him.."

"Congratulations. I know my Mom is happy."

"Henwy, can we go have H time?"

"We are going to have H time, little sis. Happy Thanksgiving Ashley and Sam."

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