Ch.213 Saturday

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4 years ago today, I began writing this captain swan fanfic, my first fanfic. I still cannot believe I am still writing this fanfic.
Thank you my readers who have been following along my fanfic through these years, reading kudos and commenting.

Enjoy this chapter. xo

It was the beginning of April, Emma and Killian were at the girls' swimming lesson on a Saturday morning. Killian was sitting on the bench with Leia who was wrapped in a towel and fast asleep after her swimming lesson. She was in her duckling onesie and a clean diaper. He was enjoying his snuggles with his baby pirate as he was watching Emma with Hope in her toddler swimming class. Hope was swimming on her own most of the class now. She was still afraid to jump in without her parents nearby her to catch her.

At the end of the swimming class, after the goodbye song, Hope swam more. She swims to her Mommy. "You are getting fast every week Hope!" She spun her daughter around.

"I am!"

"My little fish!" She tickles her daughter. "Swim to Daddy and Leia." Hope swims to the end of the pool. "Hope, you are swimming faster!"

"I am!" Emma and Hope get out of the pool and changed into their outfits. "Where are Mel-Mel and Awiel?"

"I do not know, why they are not here." Emma gets Leia from Killian and hugs her sleeping daughter.

"I want to pway wif Mel-Mel."

He holds Hope. "You will play with your ocean princess best friend soon, little love."

"How about we go to Granny's?"

"Aye, I am hungry."

"Me too!!" Emma drives her family back into town to Granny's. Leia wakes up crying. "Baby sis, do not cwy. We are going to Gwanny's." She sniffs her sister and covered her nose. "Eww. Mommy, Leia made poopy."

"We are almost there girls. Then Leia's diaper will be changed." Emma and Killian both chuckle. She parks her yellow bug in front of Granny's.


Killian smiles."Swan, I will change Leia's diaper inside of Granny's." He takes Leia out of her car seat.

"Hope and I will get our booth."

The family entered the diner, Henry was at their booth waiting for them. "Henwy!!!" Hope rushes to her brother who scoops her into his arms.
"Hi, little sis. How was your swimming lessons?"

"Fun but no Mel-Mel." Killian takes Leia to the bathroom.

Emma hugs her son, she saw him last night. "Kid, how is Ava?"

"She is good. She is happy that I am home for the weekend. We are going on a date later."

"Henwy sit next to me."

"I will sit next to you, little sis." He sits in the booth with Hope. A waitress gives a booster seat for Hope to sit in. She hugs her brother. "I am happy you are home."

"When I come back home again, I will be home for spring break. I will be home for your birthday week!"

"Yay! We are going sail on my birfday!" He hugs his sister. Emma smiles seeing her two oldest close siblings bond.

Granny comes to the Swan-Jones table. "Hi, Emma, Henry, and Hope."

"Hi, Granny. We are going to have our usuals. Killian is in the bathroom with Leia."

"Your orders are coming right up."

Killian returns back with Leia who was gripping her Daddy's hook. "Baby pirate, Henry is with us." Leia babbles.

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