Ch.274 Father's Day

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It was Father's Day morning, Killian was up with Ian most of the night, letting his swan get the rest she needed. He brought Ian onto the Jolly Roger. He felt his son needed fresh ocean air to calm him down. He told him tales of sailing the Jolly Roger to different realms in the captain's quarters. When the sun was rising, the father and son went on deck and watched the sunrise. Ian was wrapped up in his baby blanket on his Daddy's lap. "Ahh."

"Yes, that is the sunrise, son. Is it pretty?"

"Yes." Killian kissed his son on his head. He cannot believe this is his first Father's Day with his almost 11-month-old son, his mini-me. "Dada."

"Yes, son?" Ian babbles. "Are you getting sleepy?" Ian yawns. "We will play after your little nap." He carried his son back inside and tucked him in the bed. Ian fell asleep holding his Dada's hook. Killian texts Emma where the two of them are.

Back at the Swan-Jones house, Leia wakes up and headed to her parents' bedroom with Ava the dog following her. She noticed her Daddy was not in his bedroom. "Dada?" She goes to her sister's bedroom. "Hope, wake up!"

Hope wakes up. "Leia?" Ava barks.

"Dada not here."

"I go find him." Hope went around the house and returned to her parents' room. "Mommy!!"

Emma wakes up seeing her daughters. "What is wrong?"


"Daddy is not here."

Her daughters looked like they were about to cry. "We are going to find Daddy." She checks her iPhone. "Daddy and Ian are on the Jolly Roger."

"Dada gifts."

"We are going to surprise him with his presents on the Jolly Roger."

"Yes!!" Both girls got excited.

"We need to get ready for the day." She helped Leia get ready for the day and packed a clean outfit for Ian. She got herself ready for the day.

Henry wakes up. "Mom?"

"Yes, kid?"

"Why are Hope and Leia sad?"

"Your Dad and brother are on the Jolly Roger."

"They are upset because they are not there with him."

"Yes. I was thinking we can order Granny's breakfast to go and have a picnic style on the Jolly Roger."

"That is a great idea."

Emma walked to the docks with her daughters. Henry was carrying two granny-to-go bags as his Mom was carrying Leia and the diaper bag. Hope carried the bag of presents for her Daddy from all of them.

At the docks, Leia and Hope ran on the Jolly Roger. "Dada?"


Killian arrives on deck. His daughters ran to him. "Daddy!! Happy Daddy day!!!'

"Dada day!!"

He knelt down so his daughters could hug him. His two daughters attacked him with hugs. "Thank you, little loves."

"Happy Father's Day, Killian."

"Thank you, swan." He held his two daughters and kissed his wife. "Ian is fast asleep in the captain's quarters. He only fell asleep an hour ago."

"He was up all night."

"Dad, you can open gifts from us."

"Yes fwom us!!"

"Yes, Dada!!"

Killian chuckles. "I will open my gifts."

"Daddy, picnic."

"We brought Granny's."

"Breakfast picnic style and sailing today with my family."

"Yay!" The two girls smiled. He sits down on the deck with Leia on his lap. The presents were being set up by Henry.

Emma went inside to check up on her almost 11-month-old son. "Hi, baby. You were up all night. You are finally sleeping." She smooths her son's head. He was wearing cute anchor pajamas.

Back on deck, "Dad, Happy Father's Day. This is from me."

He opened his gift from his oldest son which was Jolly Roger beer glass. "I love this beer glass. Where did you get this?"

"I had it made just for you."

"Aye, I will make this my glass at the pub."

"Henwy, my tuwn!" Leia held her present.

Killian opened his present from his daughter which was framed photo of himself with Leia on the Jolly Roger at the steer. "Leia, I love your photo. I am going to put it in the pub."

"No, station."

Killian and Henry both laughed. "Aye, you want to show the squad our picture?"

"Yes!" Killian hugged his daughter.

Hope gives her gift to her Daddy, it was a Jolly Roger t-shirt I am a pirate but I am a Dad first . He smiled and hugged his daughter. "I love your gift, Hope. I am going to wear it as we go sailing."


Killian returns to the captain's quarters and changes into his new t-shirt, Emma is snuggling with Ian. "I love your shirt captain."

"Thank you. Hope got this for me."

"Are you sure you went to sail? You look tired from being up all night with our little guy."

"I can sail, love. Henry is my first mate after all. You are my second captain in command."

"Okay. The girls were upset you were here with Ian not with them."

"I figured that when Leia would not let go of me." Emma giggles, knowing Leia is a Daddy's girl. The family had breakfast in picnic style. They were talking about what they want to do for the summer vacation.

The family put their life jackets on and began sailing the Jolly Roger. Henry and Emma were doing the sails. Hope was doing the oar. Leia was with Ian in the captain's quarters on the bed. As they were sailing, Emma would check on Ian and Leia.

In the afternoon, Emma can tell Killian was exhausted. "Killian, I can steer back to the dicks."

"Aye, I can be with the little ones." Killian had Ian in the carrier while watching Leia and Hope playing on the barrels. Henry and Emma run the Jolly Roger back to Storybrooke. Ian screams. "Yes, the ocean is making waves." Ian smiles big. "You like waves, Ian!"

The family returned to the docks. Killian hands over Ian to Emma so he and Henry can lower the anchor. Henry ordered pizza for a late lunch on deck. Henry was playing with his sisters as Ian crawled around the deck trying to get into everything.

Killian hugged his wife as their children were enjoying time in their second home being pirates. "Our pirates take after their Dad."

"Aye, they all love the Jolly Roger just like us."

"They take after you."

"You too, love."

"Happy Father's Day, Killian." They kiss.

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