Ch.268 Sunday

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Emma and Killian were up with Ian all night. Emma was up early finding Hope fast asleep holding Ian who was sound asleep in the middle of her and Killian. "Killian?"

"Hope wanted to help, love. Ian stopped crying once he was with Hope. She would not let her baby brother go."


"Henry was holding Ian before, love."

"There is a line."

"Aye, a very supportive line."

"Very loving big sister and brother."

Ian wakes up hungry. Hope wakes up. "Ian, night night."

"Hopey, it is morning, sweetie. He is hungry." She takes her son from her daughter and began breastfeeding her son.

"Hope, choose your outfit for our special day, little love."

"Yay, its Sunday!" Hope happily went to her room.

"Are you sure you can be home with Ian and Leia? I know Henry is spending the day with Ava."

"Love, have a fun day with Hope. Your Mom is coming to play with Leia or watch Ian."

"I do owe Hope a light magic lesson or two."

Snow White arrives, "Nana!" Hope hugged her Nana.

"Hi, Hope."

"Mommy and I are going to do light magic a girl day."

"You and your Mom are going to have so much fun."

Leia arrives downstairs. "Nana!"

"Hi, Leia." She hugged her granddaughter.

"Ian cwy all night."

"He was in pain because of his owies. We are going to have fun today."

Emma took Hope to the playground to the open area. She gives light magic lessons to her daughter in the snow. Hope was causing her Mommy around in the snow. Both mother and daughter laughing lying down into the snow.

Snow White was making fairy houses with Leia. Killian was taking care of Ian since Emma was out with Hope. Henry was assisting his Dad with his baby brother.

"Want Mama."

"Let's go find Mama and Hope." She texted her daughter.

Henry played his baby brother who was gripping him. He would cry if Henry was trying to let him go. "Ian, you are so cute." Ian babbles. He carried his baby brother on his hip to their dad in the kitchen. "Dad?"

"Yes, son?" Ian screams. He takes Ian from his son.

"Since, Ian has not let me go and wants to be with you and me. I can stay home. We can have boy time." Ian coos. "Yes, you agree with me, baby bro." Ian smiles at his big brother.

Killian smiles. "Aye,we do have the day for the three of us." Ian began crying. He sets his son in the high chair. Henry feeds his baby mushed carrots. Ian was throwing his food around the kitchen.

"Ian, you need to eat. No throwing food, baby pirate." Ian threw carrots to his Daddy's face. Henry laughing so hard. Ian was smiling. Killian went to wash his face. "Ian, you are awesome, baby bro." He high-fived his baby brother.

After the light magic lesson, the mother and daughter walked into town. Snow White and Leia sees them, "Nana!!" She rus to her Nana.

"Mama!!" Leia hugged her Mama.

"Hi, baby girl!" She kissed her daughter on the head. "Did you have fun with Nana?"


"Do you want to get your nails painted to pretty colors?"

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