Ch.226 Sickness

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It was November 1st ,Emma was getting ready for work. Ava the dog enters the room barking. "What is it girl?" Ava barks more. She followed the dog to Hope's room, Killian was holding Hope who was wearing an Ariel shirt covered in her baby blanket.

"Love, Hope feels warm. Ava lead me here too."

"Hope." She hugs her daughter.


"You are cold." She felt her daughter who was sweating. "You are sweating. She definitely has a fever."

"Aye, I noticed her fever, she didn't want to get out of her baby blankie."

"No pre-school today, baby girl." She hugs her daughter. "Maybe it is a virus."

"Or the flu."

"I will get the thermometer."

"From pre-school, you can catch anything."

"Halloween pawty fun at pweschool."

"From the treats you brought home, it looked like a fun party."

"Cold Mommy."

Killian returns and takes Hope's temperature, 101.00. "It is 101.00."

She wrapped her daughter in another blanket. "Hopey. We are going to do a lot of snuggles today." Emma looked up at her husband. "So far, she just has a fever. I can keep an eye on it."

"Aye, if it gets worse or has more symptoms, we can take her to see Allison."

"Yes." Emma and Killian do not want both girls to be sick. "You and I are going to have Mommy and Hope time."

"Leia too?"

"Leia is going to help Daddy in the sheriff's office."

"Can I pway wif her later?"

"Yes, little love."


Killian holds Hope. "You will feel better soon. You will be with Mommy taking good care of you."

"Jolly Woger."

"When you feel better, I will take you on the Jolly Roger for Daddy and Hope time. How does that sound?"

"Good. Pwomise?"

"I promise, Hope."

Leia began crying. Emma went to Leia's bedroom. "Hi, baby duckling." She holds her daughter on her hip. "How is my rainbow duckling?"

"Mama." She hugged her Mommy.

"I love my Leia hugs." She gets Leia ready for the day and bottle-fed her milk. "Once upon a time, the long lost princess of the Enchanted Forest met the famous Captain Hook..."

Leia looked up at her Mommy with her matching green hazel eyes.Killian was snuggling with his little pirate princess, who was not feeling well.

Later, Killian was on patrol in the yellow bug car with Leia in the back in her car seat. He sees a robber at the bakery shop and gets the walkie talk. "Charming, robbery in a bakery shop. I need your help. Emma is home with Hope. Leia with me."

"Mulan and I are on the way." Charming and Mulan arrive.

He gets out of the car. "Charming, stay with Leia."

"Killian, I can stay with Leia." Mulan joins Leia in the back.

Emma was cleaning up Hope after she vomited phlegm. "You are all clean." She turned on the shower to steam up the bathroom to help clear her daughter's lungs. Hope hugged her Mommy coughing. "You are with Mommy, baby girl. You are going to be okay."

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