Ch.276 The Big C

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It was July, the three little Swan-Jones were enjoying playing in the baby pool in the backyard and the water table. Emma was mostly watching her children, making sure no one got hurt and getting cooled off by the baby pool splashes. She has been stopping arguments from her little ones when Ian splashed Leia or the girls arguing over water toys. Henry and Killian joined out water gun fights. When Allison had her days off, she would bring baby Ellie to play with Ian. The two babies would crawl around the backyard as their moms talk.

One day, Henry was playing with Ian in the living room, when he received a call from Ava. "Hi,Ava."

"Henry, I am home with my Dad. I need your Mom. Your other Mom is here arguing with my Dad."


Emma rushes in. "Kid?"

"We need to go to town, Mike and my other Mom are fighting."

Emma opens the backyard door. "Girls, come back inside." Hope and Leia return inside from playing. "We need to go into town."

They arrive in town. Emma and Henry see Regina and Mike have a screaming match in front Mike's auto repair shop. "Kid, stay inside here with the little ones."

"Will do. It looks like my other Mom has her Evil Queen face on."

"It sure looks like it." She faced her daughters. "Hope and Leia, you two stay here with Henry and Ian. I am going to see why Regina is yelling at Mike."

Hope nods her head yes."We be good." Emma leaves the car. Ian screams. She hugged her baby brother. "Mama be back."

"No cwy Ian."

"Mom is nearby baby bro." He took his baby brother from his car seat. He sat in the driver's seat with Ian on his lap. "Ian we are at the steering wheel of the car. We can drive." Ian was patting the steering wheel. "Say vroom..."


Henry smiles at his baby brother. "That is right, baby bro, drive the car."

"Henwy, he cannot dwive."

He chuckles. "Hope, Mom has the keys."

"Good, he is a baby." Henry sees his two Moms arguing, which is a bad sign.

Emma arrives at the auto shop to find Regina arguing with Mike. She sees Ava. "Henry is in the car." Ava goes to the yellow bug.

"Ava!!" Ian screams with his brother. Henry unlocked the door.

"Thank you for coming."

"You are welcome."


"Hi, Hope. Hi, Leia."


"Hi, Ian." She faced her boyfriend. "Are you teaching him how to drive?"

"Only the steering wheel." Ian pats the steering wheel.

Across the street, the sheriff's car arrived with Charming and Killian. "Swan?"

"Henry got a call from Ava to come."

"What is going on?"

"I am trying to figure that out." She faced her Dad. "The kids are in my bug."

"I will go to them." Charming went to his grandchildren.

Emma remembers when Regina used to yell at her while they were fighting over Henry as a ten-year-old kid. "Swan?"

"I got this." She approached Regina. "Mayor Regina, why are you yelling at Mike?"

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