Ch.266 Extra Students

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Henry had to do an online class for his Spring semester in the morning. He cannot be with Hope in her class. Hope was crying. "Daddy."

Killian hugged his daughter. "Hope, you are going to have a good day in school, little love."

"No, Henwy."

Emma looked at Killian. "Hope, I am going to take you to school, baby girl."

"You stay?"

"I will try, sweetie. You need to put your coat on." Hope went to get her coat. Emma sighs. "I do not like see my baby afraid of school."

Killian hugged her. "So do I. She is going to be okay, love. She will be comfortable at school again. I will be here with the little ones." He hears Ian crying and went upstairs to his son's nursery. "Hi, baby pirate." Ian hears his Daddy and stops crying. He scooped his son into his arms. "Dada is here." Ian chews on his Daddy's hook. "You want a pirate story?" He carried his son downstairs.

"Dada, Ian!"

"I am going to tell a pirate story, Leia."

"Ian, Dada best piwate stowies!" He kissed her brother on the head.

Emma drove the yellow bug to the elementary school. Hope to school who was crying. She held her daughter's hand in the school.

Mulan faces Hope. "I am going to watch your classroom."

"I want Mommy."Hope tried to run from the classroom.

"Sorry Mulan." She followed her daughter. "Hope, why are you afraid?"

"You leave and boom shoot happens." Hope began crying.

"You are safe here in school, Hope. No one is going to hurt you in school again." Emma hugged her daughter, understanding why she didn't want to leave school. "I promised you, that."

A few hours later, Emma was able to sneak out of Hope's classroom by Miss Kelly's math lesson. She drove into town in her yellow bug into town and pick up hot cocoa with cinnamon, a bear claw, and coffee for Killian at Storybrooke Coffee Shop.

Emma returns home, Killian Jr was in his bouncy set up Leia was playing toys on the bouncy set with Blue Clues on the television. Killian sees his swan. "Emma, how was it?"

She gave her husband his hot coffee."She ranaway from her classroom. I got her to calm down by talking to her. I stayed a little while and slowly left the classroom. Mulan is watching her classroom. Ian has his vaccination shots in the morning."

"I will be home with our little loves."

"Henry is still taking his class?"

"He went to the library to work on his paper. I think he is going to Ava's afterwards."

"I see Leia playing with Ian."

"I may have suggested to Leia to show Ian how to play with his toys. She has been playing with them."

"That is how you get them to play together."

"Aye, they are closest in age.

Ian began crying. "Dada, Ian cwying!"

Emma approached her son in the bouncy set. "Ian."

"Ma-ma." He bounced excitedly in his bouncy chair.

"Yes, mama is home!" She took her son out of the bouncy set and kissed him on the cheek.


Emma hugged her daughter. "Hi, my little rainbow duckling!"

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