Ch.252 Kindergarten

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Before Henry returns to Boston, he is going his Mom taking Hope to kindergarten. Emma takes a picture of Hope in her Storybrooke Elementary uniform with a high ponytail which she did for her daughter. Henry joined in for a few photos so did Killian, Leia, and baby Ian. She breastfeeds Ian in her and Killian's bedroom as Henry goes over Hope's backpack checklist in her bedroom.

"Swan, make sure take a lot of pictures of Hope."

Emma chuckles. "I will take a lot of photos. Are you sure about not coming?"

"Swan, Leia and Ian will be a handful."

"I promised her that I will take her out for some Mommy and Hope time after I pick her up from school. You and I have been so busy with Ian lately. I love our son so much."

"Aye, I promise Leia some one on one time with her when little Ian is napping."

"It is going to be hard giving the girls one on one time when we have barely slept since Ian arrived. It has been hard with Leia and Ian tending to them at the same time."

"Love, it is okay to ask for help. We have your parents to help us out in the morning or afternoon to watch Ian so we can spend time with Leia and Hope. Or ask Allison to watch the little ones so we can have a night out."

"Allison has her own newborn, Ellie."

"Your Dad can help us out in the morning."

"He has been wanting to help out in the morning since Mom is going to back to work soon. I want to be one taking Hope to school."

"Aye, if you are tired, I can do morning drop off with Hope before heading to work. So you can sleep in."

"I do need sleep." Ian fusses. She laid her son over her shoulder and burped him. "We will take turns."

Henry enters the room. "Mom, my car is packed. Hope needs to head to school now or she will be late."
"Mommy, I cannot be late for big school!"

Emma smiles. "We are going to leave now, sweetie." She goes downstairs finding Leia by the steps. "Leia, what are you doing here?"

"Hope is going to come back home, sweetie after school is over for the day." She hugged her daughter. Henry joins his Mom and baby sister downstairs. Emma thinks her daughter is thinking Hope leaving to school like Henry is. "Do you want to join us in bringing Hope to school?"


"Awesome. I will tell Dad." Henry went upstairs. Emma carried Leia to her yellow bug and buckled her two year old daughter in her carseat.

Hope goes to her Daddy and baby brother. "Hope, have a good first day of Kindergarten."He hugged his daughter. "I love you, Hope."

"I luv you, Daddy." She kissed her Daddy on the cheek. "Can I tell you and Ian when I get home?"

"Yes, I want to hear all about it on the Jolly Roger!"

"Yay!" Ian coos. "Ian, can come on Jolly Woger too!"

"Aye, yes he can join us."

"Ian, I will come back after Kindergarten is over. We will pway later. I luv you." She kissed her baby brother on the head.

Henry returns upstairs. "Hope, we are leaving. Dad, Leia is coming with us to the school."

"Yay!" She followed her brother downstairs.

"Hope, you have your lunch?'
"Yes! And all my supplies!"

Killian held Ian as the rest of the family went to the yellow bug. "Bye Daddy."

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