Ch.244 Family Day Out

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Emma was enjoying her summer vacation, her maternity relief, and being home with three of her ducklings home with her. Her Dad and husband put her on maternity relief, a few days before her baby shower. She did not complain, she is tired, feels huge and wants to be able to relax before her son comes. And she wants to spend time with her other three children before the baby arrives.

Killian was driving his swan and their children out of town. "Killian, where are we going?"

"It is an adventure love."


"Adventure!" Emma giggles, even her daughters were in on the surprise. She was just woken up this morning by her son telling her they are going on a day trip.

Killian parked the car in front of a building in a few towns over, to Harry Potter Exhibit.

"Swan, we are here."

Emma sees the exhibit. "We are going to the Harry Potter exhibit!"

"Yes, we are, love. It was Henry's idea."

"This is only part 1 of our family outing."

"I knew you two were up to something. I just did not know what it was until now."

Killian was holding Leia and Hope was holding her Mommy's hand as they were entering the exhibit. Henry scanned his iPhone for the tickets for the exhibit. They were given bracelets to tap at each section of the exhibit. Emma and Henry typed in Hope and Leia's names and held them up to the camera for the picture. Henry is in the house Huffle Puff, Emma, Killian, and Hope were in Gryffindor.

Killian was holding Leia, "Little love, what house do you want to be in? Gryffindor a bird, Slytherin a snake, Huffle puff a badger, or Ravenclaw a bluebird?" Leia points to a Ravenclaw. "Blue."

"We have a raven claw!"

"Awesome, baby sis!" Leia smiles big.

The family went through different exhibits parts of the movie, seeing costumes from all the films, props of the films. At each exhibit, they have to scan their bracelets for each activity in each area.

Henry took photos of the props. Killian took photos of Emma, Henry, and the girls in each exhibit. They have all four houses rooms, potion room, wand room, Dolores Umbridge's pink office with desk and chair, Hagrid's hut and a huge chair to sit in, and Harry Potter staircase bedroom. Henry, Emma, and Killian took turns taking photos of their family having fun. Henry took photos of his parents together in his camera.

There were also interactive electronic games in the house section with sorcerer's hat, wand section, potions section, and seeing in the future Professor Trelawney class. The Quidditch section, was where people can throw balls in the rings. Henry holding Hope to help her reach enough to get throw balls into the rings. Killian was holding Leia and helping her throw the ball to the rings. Emma was taking video on her iPhone of her family enjoying the Quidditch section. Every game you won or you got points for your house.

Towards the end of the exhibit, during the Chambers of Secrets, the snake language and thunder, Leia began wailing, Killian was holding his daughter in his arms. "Swan, Leia and I will leave this part of the exhibit. He carried Leia away.

"Mommy, light magic?"

Emma chuckles. "There are no evil wizards here, sweetie."

"I can use light magic to stop the villain from scarying Leia." She points at Bellatrix.

"No light magic is needed, sweetie. These are costumes. The real ones are in the movies."

"But Leia cwying."

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