Ch.256 Savior's Birthday

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The Swan-Jones house is decorated for the Halloween season. It was October 22nd, Emma's birthday. Killian was up early cooking breakfast for his swan as his two daughters were getting presents for their Mommy. Emma was playing with Ian in her and Killian's bedroom after a long night with the baby, Ian was happy to be awake in the morning. "You are so happy,baby boy. Do you know what today is? Today is Mama's birthday!" Ian coos.

"Yes, you made me a mama to a baby boy." She sets her son on her on her legs so he can face her.

"When I had Henry, I was in prison. I could not let him live in foster care. I gave him up for adoption. When Mama was living in Boston, Henry found me. I took Henry home to Storybrooke. That is when I found out that I was the savior and met my parents. I met your Dada in the Enchanted Forest." Ian moves his hands. She kissed her son's hands. "You made me a Mama to a baby boy again. I love you so much!!" Ian coos.

Emma has an idea. She finds Killian in the kitchen. "Where are the extra pumpkins?"

"Happy birthday love. They are in the backyard."

"I have a cute photo idea for Ian."

Killian gets a pumpkin digs out all of the seeds and guts the pumpkin and cut out two holes on the bottom. Emma undressed her son and wrapped him in his baby blanket. "Ian, you are going to be in a pumpkin for Halloween photos!" Ian tries to smile.

"He is excited, love." He sets his son in the pumpkin sitting up with his legs sticking out in the holes. Ian moved around in the pumpkin as his Mama was taking photos on her iPhone. Killian used Henry's camera for cute photos of his son inside a pumpkin. Ian moved his hands around and coos. "Jolly Roger!" Ian looked at his Daddy.

Emma takes her son out of the pumpkin who was crying and wrapped him in a towel. "Baby, it is cold outside. I do not want you to get sick." He just cried more. "You need a bath, little man."

"I will clean up the pumpkin, while you give Ian a bath, who did not want to leave the pumpkin." Emma carried her son inside and gave him a warm bath in the kitchen. Leia and Hope arrived in the kitchen seeing Ian getting a bath. "Happy birfday Mommy!"

"Thank you."

"Mommy, why is Ian in the sink?"


"Yes, Ian was covered in pumpkin and he needed a bath."

"I help!!"

"Hope, can you get me a onesie for Ian?" Hope went upstairs to get a onesie and returns with a Star Wars onesie. "Here!"

"Thank you, Hope." Ian was still crying. She dressed her son in the onesie. "You're nice and warm now."

"Mommy, Ian wants to be in pumpkin."

"I think you are right." She sets her son on her chest. Ian fell asleep.

"Appy birfday Mama!!"

"Thank you my girls." She hugged her daughters.

"Happy birthday, my love."

"Thank you." They kiss. Hope and Leia carried presents in.

"Do you want me to hold him?"

"For a few minutes." She sets her sleeping son in her husband's arms. Emma opens presents from her three out of four ducklings. Hope gave her Outlander season 6 on DVD, Leia gave her a new dress, and Killian and Ian gave her duckling charm bracelet. "Thank you for my presents."

"One more present, love. From Ian."

Emma opened her present from her son, which was a feet mold, I love Mama, Ian Jones. "I love all of my presents." Her daughters hugged her.

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