Ch.212 Itchies

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It was March, Leia turned 6 months old. Emma took photos of Leia on her month blanket. Leia is getting chunkier and loves to toll onto her tummy. Emma was smiling her baby is half a year old. She scooped her daughter in her arms. "You are getting so big, Leia. You will always be my baby rainbow duckling." She laid Leia on her chest and kisses her baby on the head.

A few weeks later, Killian was bottle feeding Leia in her nursery who gave her parents a rough night. Emma was getting ready for the day when she noticed Hope was not awake yet. She went to Hope's room and kneeled down to her daughter. "Hope...wake up." She felt her daughter's head, she had a fever.

Hope wakes up. "Mommy, not feel good. I want to go back night-night."

"You have a fever sweetie."

"I am itchy."

"Itchy where?"

"On my arms and belly."

Emma takes off her daughter's shirt seeing red spots, her daughter has chickenpox. "Hope, you stay in bed, sweetie. I will get you baby Tylenol." She kisses her daughter on the head and walks to Leia's room, hearing Leia's crying. She texts Allison about the girls.

Killian was holding Leia. "Swan, Leia is warm. I think she is running a fever."

"Baby, you are going to be okay." She rubs her daughter's back. "Hope has a fever too. "

"Whatever Hope has I think Leia has too."

"She told me she was itchy. I saw the red spots. It is chickenpox." She takes Leia and checks her belly. "Yes, Leia has the chickenpox too."

"Bloody hell. They both have it."

"Hope might have brought it home from preschool." Leia cried more. She hugs her daughter. "I know you are itchy, baby girl. You are going to be okay. Mommy had chickenpox too. You are going to take Tylenol to feel better."

"Do you want me to call Allison?"

"I texted her to come over to make a house call. Chickenpox is very contagious. Luckily, they both have it together. It is a disease once you have it you do not get it again."

"You had chickenpox as a young lass?"

"Yes, I was around Hope's age before, I was given back to the foster system. It says in my file." Leia cried more. She hugs her daughter. "I know they will need calamine lotion cream, baby Tylenol, and oatmeal for baths."

"Aye, I will go to the drugstore. I will bring up the baby Tylenol."

"Did you have the chickenpox?"

"I do not know." They hear Hope's cries.

Killian places his hand on his wife's shoulder. "We are team Swan-Jones, remember?"

Emma smiles. "Yes." He went downstairs to get the baby Tylenol as she carried Leia to Hope's room with Leia.

"Mommy, itchy."

"Daddy is bringing up Tylenol to help you and Leia feel better."

"Leia has the itchies too?"

"Yes. You two have chickenpox."

"Chickenpox. Leia and I are sick together?"

"Yes, sweetie."

"Leia." She hugs her baby sister. "We are going to have sister time. We are both sick together." Emma smiles at her daughters. Killian arrives with a bottle of milk and bottle of water for his daughters. "Dada, medicine first for me."

"Aye, you can show, Leia how to eat medicine."

"Yes, I want the itchies to stop." Emma chuckles.

"Aye, little love." He spoonfed Hope her medicine. "Good job, little love. The water will help with your medicine."

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