Ch.272 Mommy's Day

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It was Mother's day, Emma was fast asleep in bed after a long night of Ian's teething. Killian was holding Ian on his hip, he wanted to be held. Henry and Hope were setting up the presents set up. Leia was playing with toys and showing her baby brother. The family planned to do a brunch with Snow White and Charming's farmhouse for Mother's day.

Killian was finishing wrapping Emma's presents from the little ones. Henry's present was already wrapped and he was phasing Ian who was trying to get through baby gates to be with their Mom. "Mama."

"Mom is sleeping baby bro. We are going to bring her presents to her soon."

"Ian, it is Mommy's special day. We make her happy." Ian crawled over to his big sister.

She hugs her baby brother. "I luv you, Ian." Henry takes a photo of Hope and Ian. Ian crawls away. "Ian! Come back!" Hope chases after her baby brother..

Leia goes to her daddy. "Dada!"

"Yes, littlest love?"

"Hug!" She hugged her Dada.

Killian spun Leia around making her laugh. "Okay, my little pirates, we need to gather our presents and go to Mom!"

Henry holds Ian. "Dada!" Killian takes Ian from his oldest son.

He holds his present and lead his sisters upstairs who were holding presents. Hope opened the door. "Happy Mommy's day Mommy!!"


"Hi, my girls." The two girls climbed on the bed and hugged their Mom. "I love your hugs."

"Happy Mother's day Mom!" He joined their hugs.

"Thank you, kid."

Ian began crying feeling left out. "Mama."

"Come here, baby boy." Killian sets Ian with his swan. "Hi, Ian. You are not missing out on hugs." Ian stops crying.

"Mommy, he been twying to come upstairs."

"Aye, he has been trying to be a sneaky pirate all morning."

"Ian, you can help me open my presents." Ian babbles. "I can open your present first." Her husband gives her the gift. She opened her gift which was a mold painted blue of Ian's hand prints,Happy Mommy's day, Love Ian. "Ian, I love your handprints." She kissed her son on the head.

Hope 's present was a swan lamp, "Hope, I love my swan lap, sweetie. Thank you, Hope."

"Happy Mommy's day." She kissed her daughter on the head. Emma opened her next present from Leia which was The Princess Bride book. "Leia,you got my favorite movie in a book. Thank you." She hugged her daughter.

She opened her present from her oldest son, was a painting of him and her in Granny's when he was 10, after he found her. Emma was in tears, "This is when after you found me."

"Yes, you were my Mom and still are my Mom."

"You can make me cry, kid." The mother and son hugged with Ian in the middle.


"I am squishing you baby bro. I am sorry." Ian chews on his brother's finger. Henry chuckles.

"Love, these are for you."

Emma smiles and holds a bouquet of buttercups. "Thank you. I love them." They kiss.

Killian took photos of his swan and his children together.

"Mom, What are we doing today?"

"We are going to your grandparents' farm today and have brunch."

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