Ch.264 Birthday Captain

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Emma was snuggling with sleeping Ian on the Jolly Roger in the captain's quarters on Killian's birthday. The birthday captain was steering the Jolly Roger. Leia was at his side trying to steer. Henry was pulling the sails as Charming was on the motor. Hope was having a sword lesson with her Uncle Liam who joined the family on sailing day for his big brother's birthday.

Ian wakes up from his second nap of the day. 'Hi, baby. We are on the Jolly Roger. Daddy is sailing the Jolly Roger." She carried her son onto deck in his blue carrier to Killian. "Ian, Daddy is steering the Jolly Roger."

"Aye, I am steering, my baby pirate princess is telling me where to steer."

"Mama dada not listen."

Emma chuckles. "My little butterfly, Dada is steering the ship." Ian began crying.


He approaches his Dad. "Yes?"

"Can you steer the ship? Ian wants to me hold him."

"I am on it."

Emma helped Killian set the baby carrier on him and sets Ian in it. "You are with Dada, Ian. Shh...shhh.."

"Daddy, Ian wants to sail wif you."

"Yes, he does. After Ian's turn, it will be your turn."

"Okay open your pwesents soon!"

Killian chuckles. "I will open my presents at lunch, little love."

Henry takes the motor. Charming went to Leia. "Leia, do you want to play?"

"Yes!" Leia played with Charming around the barrels.

Killian continues to sail with Ian. Little Killian was cooing enjoying sailing with his Daddy.


"Yes, sweetheart?" Her daughter reached out for her. Emma holds her daughter on her hip and hugs her. "I love you, Hopey."

"I luv you, Mommy. I want to play wif Daddy in knots."

"You can ask him to knots after we sail. He will do knots with you."

"He wif Ian."

"Yes, he is sailing with Ian. We can have our Mommy and Hope time."

"Yes! Can we color in my coloring book?"

"We can color, little duckling." Ian began crying.

"Killian, Ian needs to come inside."

"Aye, love." He stopped sailing.

"I will take Ian inside, Killian."

"Little lad, you are going to be with your Uncle Liam."

Liam holds Ian. "Hi, Ian. You look a lot like my brother."

He followed his sister-in-law and his 5-year-old niece to the captain's quarters. He takes off Ian's life jacket and his layers. Ian was wearing a blue onesie Today is my Daddy's Birthday. Ian babbles.

"Uncle Liam, Ian likes you!"

"He does! You ar right, Hope." Hope smiles.

"Hope, we can color now. Ian is getting to know your uncle."

"Okay!" Hope goes to her treasure chest and retrieves her coloring book and crayons. She colors pictured with her Mommy. Ian was lying on the bed and chewing his uncle's finger.

At lunch inside the Captain's quarters, Killian opened his gifts his from his children, wife, half brother and father-in-law. He got a new sword from his father-in-law, a new map to explore from his younger brother, a drawing each from his daughters, a family painting from Henry, Ian make him painted hand prints and locket with him and Emma inside was picture the two of them from his swan.

"You can help me steer."


"Me too!!"

"It is my tuwn!!"


"Killian, I got them. Hope, Leia." She hold her daughters' hands and led them to the other side of the ship. "Leia, you need to share steering the Jolly Roger."

"No, shawe."

"You had a turn. You need to let Hope have a turn steering the wheel."

"No. My tuwn."

"Time out for you then." Leia began crying.

"Hope, you can help Daddy steer." Hope went to her daddy and baby brother. Emma led her youngest daughter, crying and screaming to the captain's quarters.

While Emma was giving Leia time out, Killian was doing knots with Hope. Liam was steering the Jolly Roger. Henry was swording fighting with his Gramps.

Emma faced her daughter when her 2 minute time out was up. "Leia, do you know why you were in time out?"

"I mean Hope."

"Yes, you were mean to your sister. You need to be nice to your sister."


Hope was enjoying knots with her Daddy. She hugged her Daddy. "I luv you, Daddy."

"I love you, Hope."

"Are you having fun on your birthday?"

"Yes, I am!"

Emma returns with Leia. "Leia, what do you say to Hope?"

"I sowwy mean you."

"No more mean."

"Okay!" The two sisters hugged.

Emma hears Ian waking up. She went to the captain's quarters. Ian was crying in a crib. "Ian." She scooped her almost 6-month-old baby in her arms. "Why are you crying baby?" She sniffed her son who needed a clean diaper. Ian babbles as his mama was changing his diaper. "Oh really you heard the waves?" Ian screams. "You take after your Dada!!" She kissed her cute baby boy on his cheeks.

Killian enters the room. "Here is my swan and my baby pirate," Ian screams hearing his Dada. "Dada is here, son." Emma hands over her son to her husband.

He spun Ian around making his baby boy laugh. "Our two lasses are playing."

"They made up."

Emma watches her daughter play. Killian was showing Ian the ocean waves and talking to Liam. Henry was steering the Jolly Roger. "Your baby son is definitely a pirate."

"Are you jealous that he is not a prince like you, Dad?"

"No, he is really happy to be on the Jolly Roger with his Dad. I have a feeling I will have to teach my grandson to be a prince as I did with Henry." Emma chuckles.

As the Jolly Roger headed back to Storybrooke, Killian wa steering the Jolly Roger with Hope. The family walked together from the Jolly Roer. Killian was holding Ian. Emma was holding Hope. Leia was being held by her gramps.

At home, the family surprised Killian with a pirate ship cake Happy Birthday Killian. Snow White arrived, and everyone sung Happy Birthday to Killian. He was holding almost 6-month-old Ian in his arms who was gripping his Daddy's hook. He blew out his candles. Everyone cheered. Baby Ian screamed making everyone laugh.


"He is saying Happy Birthday to your Daddy just like the rest of us." Ian babbles.

"Thank you, Ian." Killian kissed his son on the head. Ian smiles.

"My smiley boy." Emma takes a photo of her two Killians' father and son moment on her husband's birthday. 

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