Ch.263 Winter Germs

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It was 2024 the new year, and winter weather creates sicknesses. Hope and Henry were sick first and Leia caught from them. Now, Emma was holding inconsolable baby Ian, who was crying nonstop who was having a stuffy cold. Hope was in school and Henry was in her class. Killian was at work, who insisted to stay home with her and the little ones. Leia was crying for getting into trouble of not cleaning up her toys. She was feeling overwhelmed and needed assistance. She knew who to call.

Charming arrived at his daughter's house, hearing his grandchildren crying. He finds his daughter holding her son crying. "Emma."
"Hi, Dad. This little guy has a stuffy nose and is very congested. I used the suction in his nose. I cannot get him to be comfortable. Leia is upset because I am letting her climb on the couch and in trouble for not cleaning up her toys."

"I am here to help."

"I called Allison and telehealth visit. She told me to use steam to help with his congestion and monitor his fever."

"Do you have a steam machine to help with Ian's congestion?"

"No, we do not. I ordered on Amazon but it won't be here until 2 days from now. We can run the shower."

"I am on it." He takes his very upset grandson from his daughter. "Hi, little guy. Gramps is here. I got my grandson."

"Thank you, Dad."

Charming went to the bathroom with his grandson. He ran the shower and steam began running. Ian cried lessen. He smiles at his grandson. Emma smiles at her father got Ian to stop crying.

Emma went to Leia's bedroom, who was crying. "There is my little butterfly."

"Mama mad."

Emma sat next to her daughter. "I was a little mad because you were not allowed to stand on the couch.Ian is sick, which mean Mommy need to make sure he gets better."

"Mama job."

"Yes, it is also my to make sure my little butterfly to get hurt. I am not mad at you now, sweetie."

"No, mad."

"You di dnot clean up your toys."

"No, clean. Pway."

"You have to clean after playing with your toys, then no mad Mama. Okay?"

"Okay, sowwy."

She hugged her daughter. "I love you so much, Leia. Are you hungry?"

"Yes!" She carried her daughter downstairs to the kitchen. She makes macaroni and cheese, with broccoli and chicken nuggets for her daughter and she made herself coffee and grilled cheese.


"It is yummy!"

"Daddy is at the pub working on orders. He will be home soon."

Snow White drove Hope home. Henry went to Ava's house. They find Charming in the living room with Leia watching television.. "Gwamps!"

"Hi, little princess. How was your day?"

"It was fun. Henwy teach art today. Ian!"


"Leia!!" The sister hugged.

"Was Henry a good teacher?"

"Yes, he bossy." Snow White and Charming chuckled.

. "How is Ian?"

"He is very congested. Steam is helping him. Emma is exhausted. I got him to stop crying with steam from the shower. They are both asleep, getting the sleep they both need." Hope went upstairs to change out of her uniform.

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