Ch.204 Almost Christmas

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When Henry drove home for winter break, he arrived home seeing his home decorated outside for Christmas lights, he knew his parents were saving the tree decorating when he arrived home. He carried his bags inside the house. Emma was holding Leia as Hope as Killian began setting up the Christmas lights on the tree. "Leia, the lights on the Christmas tree lights are so pretty." Leia looks at the lights and aahs. "Yes, they are so pretty." She hears the door open and sees her son. "Henry!"
"Hi, Mom!" He dropped his bags and hugs her.
"How was your ride here?"
"It was good. Only a little bit of traffic since the snow around here." Leia coos. "Hi, baby sis." He holds Leia. "I am home for my winter vacation. I made it just in time to help decorate the Christmas tree." He carried Leia to the living room seeing his Dad working on the lights. "Dad, do you need help?"
"Yes, son."
"Henwy!!" Hope hugs her brother's legs. "You are home!!"
Emma takes Leia from Henry, who holds Hope and gives her a big hug."Yes, I am home, little sis."
"Miss you."
"I miss you too. I am home now. How about we decorate the Christmas tree?"
"YES!!" Emma, Henry, and Killian all laughed. Killian hugs his son. Emma puts Christmas music on the speakers, Jingle Bells.
"Mom, perfect music for decorating the tree."
"I figured we need music into the Christmas spirit." She hung the 5 Swan-Jones family stockings. "Leia, you have your own Christmas stocking. This is your first Christmas with us." She kisses Leia on the head. She carried her daughter to the tree and held her in one arm and helped her family decorate the tree. Hope was decorating the bottom as Henry decorated the top with ornaments. Killian brought a tray of cinnamon hot cocoa and helps Hope reach the top of the tree to put ornaments on. He shows Emma a new gold ornament, Leia Faith Swan-Jones First Christmas 2021. Emma was in awe. "Killian, it is perfect."
"Aye, I thought it is perfect for our littlest pirate princess." Leia coos.
"Yes, Leia, this is your ornament." She puts it on the tree.
"Mommy, where is my ornament?"
Emma looks in the box and finds Hope's ornament. "Here is your ornament Hope."
"Can you put mine next to Leia's? Pwease."
"Yes, I can." Emma puts Hope's pink ornament next to Leia's.
"Thank you, Mommy."
"You are welcome, Hope." Leia fusses.
"Mom, Leia wants her big brother." Henry takes his sister from their Mom.
"Hi, baby sis." Leia gurgles and moves her arms. "Yes, you are with me, baby sis." The oven timer dings. "What is in the oven?"
"Those are the cupcakes that Hope and I are baking. Hope's last day of preschool before winter break is tomorrow. They are having a class party."
"There are extras for us to snack on."
Killian kneels down to Hope. "Little love, do you want to put the star on top?"
"Yes! Star!" Killian lifts Hope so she can put the star on top of the tree. Emma took a picture of the daddy-daughter putting the star on the tree. Emma smiles, her family is all together getting ready for Christmas.
The next day was Friday, Hope's last day of pre-school before winter break. Killian was working at the sheriff's station. Emma was up early to put the green and red frosting covered cupcakes, in boxes ready to bring to the class. Henry wakes up hearing Hope in his room. She was on his bed. "Hi, Hope."
"Henwy, Christmas party today!!"
"Yes, it will be so much fun."
Henry was playing with Leia's tummy time in the living room as their Mom got Hope ready for her Christmas party at school. She dressed her up in a Christmas red sweater over a pink dress and braided hair. "You are all ready for your Christmas party." She took a few photos of Hope and selfies with her on her iPhone.
They go downstairs, Hope finds her brother and sister playing in the living room. "Leia, Hope is ready for her Christmas party at preschool."
"I need your help, kid, carrying the boxes to the car."
"I can do that." He holds Leia. "Can I drive?"
"I am driving the yellow bug, kid." She carried Leia into the car and made sure both of her daughters were buckled in their car seats. Leia began crying. "Leia." She rubs her daughter's head and puts her pacifier in her mouth. "We are only going on a short car ride, rainbow duckling." Leia stops crying. Henry puts the boxes of cupcakes in the trunk of the yellow bug and joined his Mom in the front of the car.
"Mommy, want to give Mulan and Dada cupcakes."
"They are for your classmates, sweetie."
"Mom, we do have extra."
"Want Dada see my dwess."
Emma smiles. "Okay, the sheriff's station is on the way to your preschool."
"Leia, we are going to see Dada, baby sis!" Emma drove her children to the sheriff's station and parked her at her spot. Henry got one of the boxes out as Emma holds Leia who was fussy.
Killian was filling out paperwork when he sees his family entering the station. "There is my pirate crew!"
"Dada!!" Hope runs to her Daddy.
He scooped up his daughter into his arms. "This is a surprise, love."
"Hope wants to show you her outfit."
Killian hugs his little pirate princess. "You look, beautiful little love."
"Thank you, Dada. Cupcake for you."
Killian smiles. "You want to give me a cupcake?"
"Yes, Dada!" Henry takes out one and gives it to his sister. Hope gives it to her Daddy.
"Thank you, Hope." He hugs his little lass.
Mulan enters the station wearing a maroon sweater, jeans, and her hair down with coffee in her hand. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Mulan." Leia fusses. "Leia, say hi to Mulan."
Mulan smiles at the baby. "Hi, little Leia." Leia began crying.
"Swan, I got our littlest pirate." Killin takes Leia from his wife and bounces her up and down. "Leia, you are with Dada. Shh..shh...You are with Dada." Leia stops crying. "Swan, she just wants to be with her Dada."
"Hi, Mulan."
"Hi, Henry. How is it being home?"
"It feels good. I came back home last night."
Hope goes to Mulan and tugs her jeans. "Hi, Mulan!"
"Hi, Hope."
"I have a cupcake for you."
"You have a cupcake for me?"
"Yes! Mommy and I baked them."
Henry shows Mulan a box of cupcakes and she chose a red frosted one. Emma looks in awe her friend loves her daughter. "Hope wanted us to drop by here to give you a cupcake before preschool."
Mulan was in awe and hugs Hope. "Hope, you are so sweet of thinking of me."
"I know. You are cool." Emma, Killian, and Henry chuckle.
"Mulan, cool is a good word."
"Thank you, Henry."
Charming enters the room. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Dad."
"Gwamps, do you want a cupcake?"
Charming smiles and kneel down to face his granddaughter. "I would love a cupcake, Hope." She gives her gramps a cupcake. "Thank you, Hope."
"You welcome."
"Emma, Hope baked?"
"Hope and I baked cupcakes for her class party."
"I know it will be delicious."
"Hope, time to go to preschool."
"Okay. Can I come back later?"
"Yes, you can, little sheriff."
"Little sis, you can show me your classroom."
"Come, Henwy." Henry follows Hope carrying the box of cupcakes back outside.
"Swan, I got our littlest pirate."
"I will be back, my deputy." She kisses Killian on the cheek and faces Leia. "I will be back, rainbow duckling." She kisses Leia on the cheek. Emma walked with Henry and Hope to the preschool.
"Henwy, come in."
"I am coming in, little sis."
Ashley sees Emma, Henry, and Hope. "Hi, Hope."
"Hi, Ms. Ashley. Henwy is here."
"I see your big brother, Hope. Hi, Henry."
"Hi, Ashley. Mom and Hope made cupcakes for the whole class."
"That is great." Ashley goes to the other kids to tell them to stop fighting. Henry and Emma set the cupcakes on a table with other Christmas theme snacks.
Melody goes to Hope. "Hope! Pway."
"Mel-Mel!" They hug.
"Henwy here."
"Yes, my bwo is here!"
Melody hugs Henry. "Hi, Melody. How are you?"
"Good. You are home."
"Yes, I am."
"Kid, it is time for them to start class."
"Henwy, Mommy, stay."
"Hope, Mommy has to go bye-bye. You are going to have fun in class today." She hugs her daughter. "Mommy will pick you up later, little duckling."
Henry sees Ashley setting up an art project. "Ashley?"
"Yes, Henry?"
"I am wondering, I am majoring in art and minoring in teaching. I am wondering if I can lead the art project. I do need the practice, in teaching."
Ashley smiles, she does need someone's help when the toddlers go hyper from sugar intake. "I do need help, handle these kiddies after the sugar intake. You can help me teach the art project."
"Yes!" He goes to his sister who was being held by their Mom. "Hopey, I am staying with you in class."
"Yay!" Emma sets Hope down who goes to Melody. "Henwy staying, Mel-Mel!"
"Kid?" She gives her son a look.
"I am going to lead the class in an art project. I thought I can use practice teaching. Ashley can use the assistance today."
Emma smiles and hugs her son. "You are going to be a great teacher, kid. This will be good practice."
"Also, this can go on my resume."
"You are going to do great. I will see you later."
"See you later, Mom." Emma leaves the classroom, hearing Ashley rounding up the class.
"Everyone, come to the circle rug!" The students sat on the rug. "Today, we have a guest, Hope's brother Henry."
"Hi, Henwy!!" The says, together.
Henry smiles. "Hi, everyone." He waves to the class.
"He is going to be with us in our Christmas party. He is going to help us on an art project." They lead the student to the table.
"Henwy, sit next to me and Mel-Mel."
"I am going to be nearby you when I help you and the rest of the class." He leads the class teaching them how to make Santa, cutting out parts, and pasting on paper, and helping them out. Ashley smiles, she knows Henry will be a great teacher.
Snow White finds Emma leaving the preschool. "Hi, Emma.I am me, I am not Zelena. "
Emma smiles. "Hi, Mary-Margaret."
"I took the day off from teaching. How are you?"
"I am good."
"If you are not busy, do you want to get breakfast?"
"I am free, Killian has Leia with him at the sheriff's station." The mother and daughter went to Granny's and sat in a booth. "Hope has her first Christmas party at preschool. She and I baked cupcakes. Henry is helping Ashley."
"With that?"
"Teaching the class on how to do an art project. He wants to be an art teacher."
Snow White smiles. "He wants to be an art teacher?"
"Yes. He wants to open an art studio for himself in town to work on art and also a place to teach students."
"That is his plan for after college?"
"Yes." Granny brought their usuals to the table. Her Mom told her what she had been up to, teaching, and disciplining Leo. It felt like old times talking with her Mom before the dark curse was broken and before she was replaced by Leo. "Emma, I am happy we are having breakfast together."
"We have not talked like this in a long time." She sipped her cinnamon hot cocoa.
"I still cannot believe what had Zelea done in my body, to you, your family, and how much she brainwashed Leo to is just awful. Your Dad and I struggle with him, disciplining him. I miss a change being a grandmother to Hope and Leia. Zelena took my second chance being your mother, and Leo's."
"You had your second chance with Leo, Mom."
"Emma, that is not true."
"Yes. It took me 2 years for me to open up to you about my past, in Neverland when I finally opened up to you. Then, you want another child right after I finally opened up to you. My light magic acted up when you had Leo because I was replaced for the thousandth time in my life. From experiencing that pain, I do not want my children to experience that."
Snow White held Emma's hand. "I am sorry for giving you that pain of replacement again with Leo. You are my daughter. I love you so much. I want to be there for you, Emma and be a grandmother to my grandchildren. When we were in the Enchanted Forest, I was thinking of how I almost could not have children." Emma was surprised. "King George summoned me to his castle. Lancelot brought me there and gave me a glass of water. The king told me it was poison liquid to make me never going to have a child. After that, I was meeting your father's mother, Ruth. She was like the mother I never had. Before I got there King George's men were there and shot her with an arrow." Emma's jaw dropped. "He ordered them to shoot since he did not want your father to marry me. Lancelot told me that it was the King's idea to poison me. He and your Dad found the lake Nostos, healing magical water to heal your grandmother. On the journey, I told your grandma what the king had done to me. When we got to the lake and it was dry. Lancelot found a shell with a tiny bit of water. Your grandmother told me to use the water but she drink the water anyway. The magic did not work. Lancelot was our priest at our wedding in front of your grandmother. She passed away after we kissed. The necklace she gave me, began spinning, east to west, telling me that I was going to have a girl. The water in the cup we drank at the wedding vows, was the magic water of Lake Nostos."
Emma smiles, she understands why her Mom trusted him in the Enchanted Forest and in Camelot. If it weren't for Lancelot, she would not be here now. "Mom, why have you never told me this before?"
"I never got a chance to because of the curses."
"I want you in my life, Mom. It is going to be hard, with Hope terrified of you, of what Zelena had done in your body for most of her will be challenging for us to adjust Hope to be around you."
"I can be patient, with Hope and Leia."
"That one way to solve one of the problems, Leo scaring her and wanting to hurt her, every time he gets."
"Your father and I came up with a solution."
"You did?" She gave her Mom a look.
"Regina and Gold helped us. Leo is wearing like a bracelet that shocks him if he tries to hurt someone."
"Like electric shocking him?"
"Yes but magic form."
"Has it worked?"
"Yes, but we are still having trouble disciplining him."
"If it does work..."
"Does that mean we can o to your house for the holidays?"
"I do not know, Mom. I want my children to have happy holiday memories, not having Leo around scaring them. Also.."
"I know about Hope on Thanksgiving, Emma. She knows about Zelena."
"She can sense bad magic around her. It is like me, my lying superpower. That is her superpower."
The diner's doorbell jingles, Killian carrying crying Leia, he finds his swan with his mother-in-law eating brunch, not with their son. "Emma."
"Swan, Leia has been crying nonstop. I cannot get her to stop crying."
"Leia, you want Mommy?" Emma scooped Leia into her arms. " are with Mommy baby girl." She puts Leia on her chest, who was gripping her. "You are with Mommy, rainbow duckling. Shh..shh.." Leia stops crying as her Mommy was bouncing her up and down.
"Swan, our littlest duckling she just wanted you."
"She missed me. I know she had fun with you." She sits next to her Mom.
Snow White gets a closer look at her granddaughter. "Emma, she has gotten so big."
"She is three months old, already. Leia, we are with Grandma."
"Hi, Leia. You look so much like your Mommy."
"She takes after Killian. Leia, you are a little pirate-like your Dada. You love being with me." She kisses her daughter on the head.Killian was surprised that his swan is talking to her mother, not arguing.
"Killian, I am not Zelena. I told Emma that I am willing to be patient around Hope, to gain her trust, Emma's and Leia's trust. Regina and Gold both enchanted a band with a spell to prevent him from hurting someone."
"Basically, Leo wears a magic band, that shocks him whenever he does something bad. "
"Aye, is it working?"
"Most of the time. Charming and I are still disciplining him a lot. I was asking Emma if we can come to Christmas." Emma and Killian looked at each other with the same look.
"Mom, as I told you before, Hope will be terrified. It is also Leia's first Christmas with us. I want my children to have happy holiday memories unlike mine as a child." She hugs Leia.
"Aye, I agree with my wife. It takes all of us time to trust you."
"Hope will need time to adjust around you. Or else she would be screaming and crying."
"Aye, gripping ont us and getting Leia upset too. I do not want our daughters to be upset on a holiday like my swan was as a child."
"This will take a slow time, for you and especially Leo to be around our children. A week from now will too much for my children to be around you and Leo for the holidays." Leia coos. Emma kisses her daughter's hand.
"Swan, speaking of our children, where is our son? With Ava?"
"He is not with Ava. He is giving an art lesson to Hope's class."
"The lad is teaching art to Hope and her class?"
"Yes!" Leia began crying. "Leia, do you need a diaper change?" She felt her daughter. "We will be right back." Emma takes Leia to the bathroom.
Killian looks at his mother-in-law, not sure if he can trust her with his wife and their children.
"How can we trust you?"
"Killian, I want to be there for Emma, and my grandchildren."
He thinks of his two daughters, afraid of Snow White. "For the past three years, you have been saying that, yelling at my wife, scaring Hope, kidnapping her, and causing my wife pain."
"Killian! I lost my daughter when the curse was coming, I chose to give her up for her best chance."
"Her best chance? You mean being in the bloody awful foster system, being tossed out like trash when she was kicked out of foster homes, replaced again, abused, neglected! That is her best chance?!"
"When I got my daughter back, I missed everything!!"
"You replaced her with Leo."
"Yes, I did. I apologized to her, Killian. I had no idea..."
"You were busy enough using your daughter to save the town then to listen to her."
"I got her to trust me in the Enchanted Forest."
"I got her to trust during our beanstalk adventure. Ever since I met her I put her first!! Not the savior, but as someone who will never leave her! I have been protecting her heart knowing all people of her life abandoned her. I knew she was a lost girl when I met her. It is still my job to make sure my wife does not get hurt!!"
"I understand, Killian. I am not going to hurt her. I lost my daughter again in the missing year when Emma did not remember me. I lost my daughter again when Zelena switched bodies with me for three years. I missed being in my daughter's life again! This is my last chance of being a Mom to her and a grandma to my grandchildren!!"
Killian sees his wife, who was bouncing sleep Leia up and down. "Emma."
Emma sees her husband being overprotective of her and making sure her Mom won't hurt her again. "Killian? What is going on?"
Snow White goes to her daughter."Emma, Killian is just making sure that you can all trust me. I am willing to slowly get Hope and you all to trust me again."
"Knowing my husband, I am not surprised." Leia began crying. "Leia, we are going to pick up your big sister at preschool." Leia gripped her Mommy's shirt. "You are staying with me, baby duckling. Mom, want to walk with us?"
"I would love too." Snow White smiles, Emma was giving her another chance. They paid for their meals and left the diner.
Killian wrapped his arm around his swan and little pirate princess as they walked to the preschool. When they arrived there, Henry was talking to Ashley, Hope was with Melody and Ariel. "Hi, Ashley. I am sorry that we are late."
"That is okay, Emma. Henry and Hope helped me clean up after the party."
Hope sees her Mommy and goes to her. "Mommy!! Mommy!!"
Emma kneels down with Leia in the carrier. "Hi, Hope." She hugged her daughter.
"You are here. Not lost."
"Mom, Hope was afraid you were lost."
"I am not lost, baby girl. I had a long talk with Grandma. I am sorry that I am late." She looks up at her son. "How was teaching?"
"Fun but with 11 other toddlers, it was challenging. That was before the sugar from the party food."
"Henwy in class fun."
"You had fun with Henry?"
"Yes, I am still his art assistant! More art, bwo."
"We are going to do art more at home, little sis." Leia fusses. "Baby sis." He takes his sister from their Mom and held her on his chest. "Hi, Leia. I missed you while I was with Hope in her class today." Ashley goes to Henry and waves at the baby.
Melody goes to Henry. "Baby Leia."
"Dada, Henwy in my class."
"He was in your class little love?"
"Yes!" He takes her backpack.
Emma held Hope's hand. "Hope, look who is here, Grandma."
Snow White kneeled to face Hope. "Hi, Hope."
Hope hid behind her Mommy's legs. "Mommy scawed."
"You are staying with me, Hope. She is not going to take you away. She is not Zelena, baby girl." She holds her daughter on her hip.
"She is not Zelena, little love." He rubs his daughter's back. "She is grandma." Hope holds her Daddy's hook.
"Hope, I am not going to take you from your Mommy and Daddy. I do not have magic. I am not going to hurt you, sweetheart."
Hope gripped her Mommy. "Hi."
"Hi, Hope."
"Mommy, can I pway with Mel-Mel at land home?"
Emma and Killian smile at Hope."Ofcourse, you can."
She carried Hope to Ariel. "Killian, I am not going to hurt your wife or your daughters."
"Aye, it will take time for my family to trust you. We just need to find a magic way not use Hope to detect Zelena as you."
"I can ask Gold."
"Emma did miss you, especially during her pregnancy with Leia."
"I missed another pregnancy of hers...I was not there for her when she was pregnant in prison with Leia all because of Zelena. You were there for her, she was not alone."
"Aye, she was alone most of her life. My swan is never going to be alone again."
"Ariel, if you and Melody want to come over for a little bit..."
"Yes, we would love too. Also, with all of the sugar they had, they play it off."
"Baby sis."
"Little sis, do you want to walk with me and Leia?"
"Yes, Mel-Mel too!" Emma sets Hope down. "Baby sis."
Killian gives his son the carrier. "Lad, your Mom and I will meet you at home." Henry walked with the three girls, Ariel was walking with them.
Emma goes to her Mom. "Mom, it will take time for Hope to trust you."
"I know, Emma. She is still afraid of me. I will slowly get her trust with me."
Emma hugs her Mom, knowing she was telling her the ruth. Killian sees his swan hugging her Mom. "I want you in my life, Mom."
"I am back, Emma. I may drop by on Christmas to give you presents. I won't bring Leo."
"You can come by."
"I will come by, before Christmas too. I won't be there too long, I want Hope to get used to seeing me."
"We can take it one day at a time."
Killian walked home with his swan. "Emma, how did you get your mother's trust?"
"We had a long talk about trust. She told me how she almost could not have children, King George poisoned her not to bare any children. Lancelot helped her using the magic water of Lake Nostos. My grandmother Ruth told him to give my Momthewater as she was dying an arrow...her last dying wish was to see my parents get married. She told me that was she was thinking about when we were in the Enchanted Forest together. When I heard you sticking up for me, making sure she was not going to hurt me. I knew you were making sure she won't hurt me again. When I saw my Mom telling you that she wanted to be there for me and not hurt me again... I just knew she was not lying. "
Killian smiles. "Aye, I can tell, love. We just have to make sure your Mom is not Zelena, she feels safe whenever she comes to visit. We have to make sure Hope feels safe around her.
"Which will be hard."
"Aye, from the trauma she has been through with Zelena, it will be bloody hard."
"Yes, she has you and me to reassure that she is safe."
"Aye, you are right, my swan." They walked home and hear the two girls laughing in the living room.
Ariel sees Emma and Killian. "Leia is down for a nap. Henry went to Ava's. Hope and Melody have taken over the living room." Emma and Killian walked into the living room seeing Hope and Melody in a fort. "They made a Jolly Roger fort."
Killian smiles. "Hi, little pirates."
"Dada!! Hop on!"
Killin smiles. "Aye, captain Hope." Killian joins them on the ship fort and sat on the pile of pillows.
"I am her first mate."
"Aye, you are first mate Melody." He tickles Meldoy making her laugh. "Captain Hope, where are we sailing too?"
"Find buwy tweasure on an island, dada!" Emma smiles as she took photos of Killian playing with Hope and Melody on her iPhone. "Oh no!"
"What Hope?"
"A whale ahead."
"What should we do?"
"Pillows!" Melody and Hope screamed as they threw pillows at an imaginary whale, Killian was smiling, Hope is his little pirate.
A little while later, the two toddlers passed out in their fort. Ariel gently takes Melody from the fort. "Emma, we will see you soon."
"Yes, Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Ariel." He opens the door for Ariel and Melody.
Emma goes to Hope and scooped her sleeping daughter. "My little pirate." She kisses Hope on the head. "She is her Daddy's little pirate."
"Aye, yes she is. Our little pirate's sugar rush is over."
"Yes, now she is fast asleep." They hear Leia crying in her room.
"Swan, I got our littlest pirate." Killian goes upstairs to Leia's room.
Emma takes Hope upstairs to their bedroom. Hope wakes up. "Mommy?"
"You are with me, little duckling." She sits on the bed letting Hope nap on her. "I love you so much, Hope."
Killian enters their room with Leia cooing on his chest."We are with Mommy and Hope, littlest pirate princess." He joins Emma and Hope on the bed.
Leia looks at her Mommy."Hi, Leia. My little rainbow duckling. I love you, Leia." She kisses Leia on the cheek.
"Swan, I am looking forward to Christmas."
"Me too. Having Henry home, the whole family together under one roof. I know Christmas will be a Swan-Jones Christmas."
"Aye, we will have a very Swan-Jones Christmas." They kiss, knowing they will give their children a very Merry Christmas.

Is this the end of the family feud between Emma, Snow White and Leo?

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