Chapter 1

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Katsuki follows the address on the small piece of paper, stopping at the front door.

He puts in the door code and grins when he hears the lock click open.

He quickly enters the house, not wanting to be seen by anyone. He takes a deep breath once he's inside and the door is closed behind him.

He takes a couple more breaths to calm his racing heart. 

'I'm... I'm actually in his house...' 

Katsuki looks around and finds stairs leading up to another floor.

Katsuki goes up, one step at a time, listening to the creaking of the house settling and the stairs holding his weight. 

He turns in the hallway and enters the room where the person he loves the most sleeps.

Katsuki slowly lays himself on the bed, taking a deep breath, his nose in the sheets. He groans.

 "He smells... So good..." 

He stays like that for a while, his pants tightening slightly. He rubs his legs together for some friction before taking his hand and shoving it down into his pants.

Right when he is about to climax, everything turns to black accompanied by a sharp pain.

Katsuki opens his eyes slowly. He's met with a dark, cold room. 

"W-What the hell? Where the fuck am i?! What the fuck is going on?! Someone help-!" 

A door above some stairs opens and shuts, a figure sits in a chair in front of Katsuki, their steps heavy as they do so.

His shouts are muffled by the rag that is shoved into his mouth. The person in front of him in the chair chuckles. 

"So, you're the one masturbating on my bed... Youve been asleep for a while, i almost thought you were dead." 

The person leans close to Katsuki's face, holding Katsuki's chin, forcing him to look at them.

Katsuki would recognize those eyes anywhere. The boy Katsuki loves more then everything and everyone in his fucked up life. 

Izuku Midoriya.

The sweet, kind, loving, considerate, smart, adorable boy Katsuki fell in love with from a distance.

Now dark, cold, chilling and... terrifying. Izuku's green eyes shine in the dark, now dimly lit room. 

"So... I wanna know why you're in my house, how you got in, and if you know anything i wouldn't want you to know about." 

Izuku pauses and tilts his head with a smile. 

"And if you don't answer my questions truthfully, then I'm just gonna have to force you. Understand?" 

Katsuki nods quickly, not able to move as much with his arms and legs tied up.

Izuku takes out the rag from his mouth, and Katsuki shifts his jaw, moving his tongue around his mouth to fix the dryness to the best of his ability. He then begins talking. 

"I... My name is Katsuki Bakugou. I'm in your class and... I've been watching you for a while because... I... I love you... I didn't think you would be home so i put in the code for your door and went in.." 

Katsuki shuts his eyes in fear and embarrassment. 

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