Chapter 12

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"He seems kinda clingy..."

Izuku's eyes darken, and he laughs politely. 

"This is the fifth time we've hung out this week and for all of them i was the one paying. So please don't call him clingy Uraraka San." 

She turns to him, the sunlight moment broken. Her face turns red, first starting at her cheeks. She quickly stammers a response and Izuku stares at her as she does so. 

"I-I'm sorry! It just kind of slipped out, please don't think anything of it Midoriya Kun, i wasn't trying to be mean!" 

Izuku looks at his own cup of coffee, now lukewarm as he holds it and sips some of it. It doesn't taste good. He puts it down with a small thump and scoots his chair back. 

"Yeah. I'm going to go now. I had a nice time." 

He gets up and almost pass her, but she gets out of her chair and grabs his hand, forcing him to stop. 

"W-Wait! I'm sorry about what i said, really! A couple of friends of mine are hanging out! Please come, and I'll try and repay you!" 

Izuku turns to her as she's speaking and sees the panic on her face. Then it hits him. Standing there with her gripping onto his hand to keep him from leaving without an answer, some people looking at them then carrying on with their own conversations. A great idea. He internally grins.

"...Ok. Can i bring a friend?" 

Uraraka quickly nods, her hair bobbing up and down with the movements. The grip on his hand loosens a little. She stares up at him for a couple moments, her eyes slightly crinkled in concern. Then she lets him go and gives him a small smile. 

"Text me tonight... Ok?" 

Izuku nods, turning around on his heel and goes out the door. The bell rings and the door shuts. He doesn't turn around, but if he did, he might of saw the look of sadness on her face as she watched him go. 

Katsuki is pacing back and forth, his mind busy. He mopped, cleaned the cabinets, the dishes, cleaned out the fridge, put trash by the door outside, deep cleaned the two bathrooms, wiped the windows, vacuumed, and tons of other stuff he can't remember. 

Cleaning has always helped distract him since he can overthink things sometimes, so now that the house was spotless and shining, he had nothing left to do. Even more so, Izuku still wasn't back yet. His bare feet touch the soft carpet floor in the living room over and over as he waits. 

Then, the door opens, and he races out of the room, his feet rubbing against the carpet that slightly rubs harshly against it with how fast he's going. He almost falls when he goes to greet Izuku, who is taking off his shoes. 

"Izuku! Welcome home!" 

Izuku grins at him and moves his shoes to the corner so they aren't in the way. 

"Hey Katsuki. I left earlier since you were feeling lonely." 

Katsuki blushes but a smile finds its way to his face. 


Izuku steps more into the house and Katsuki moves so he can actually get through. Izuku looks around and whistles. 

"Wow, it looks so clean." 

He looks at Katsuki and ruffles his blond hair softly. 

"You did a good job." 

Katsuki's face explodes in red, and he grins, his heart tightening in pride. 

"I know." 

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