Chapter 43

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Her voice cracks and she keeps wiping her face. Katsuki's uncle folds his arms, still not looking at him, staring at the floor or where Izuku is. 

"You have no idea what it's like Katsuki. You don't know all the hell i have had to go through because of..." 

Her sentence trails off and her eyes glance at the older man and Katsuki scoffs. 

"I have done a lot of things I'm not proud of but me and you are in the same boat..." 

Katsuki lets out a laugh that echos off the walls and she flinches, arms around herself. He looks at her, wiping his eyes because of the small tears forming. 

"You? And me? You must have lost your fucking mind. The both of you are monsters. You were jealous of my mom, I could practically fucking smell it. It's your own fault your stuck with this bastard." 

She sniffs and his uncle finally looks at him, his eyes flaming with anger. 

"This is how you treat us? After all of the shit we did? After no one wanted to take care of a little piece of shit like you?" 

Katsuki glares at him, leaning into his chair. 

"What? What did you do? Touch me all over bitching about how my mom never loved you? Or telling me not to let your wife know? Or maybe it was coming back drunk and-" 

His uncle stands up, sending his chair plummeting to the ground with the force. He slams his hands on the table, shaking it. 

His aunt yelps, gripping her ears, shrinking into herself. She looks like a Rolly Polly curling into itself. 


The loud noise doesn't faze Katsuki and before he can say anything, Izuku is standing next to the man. A big kitchen knife is shining in the light as he tilts it to press against the sweaty man's neck. 

He's red now, all the way to the skin on his arms, his Adams apple bobbing up and down as he swallows some spit. 

Izuku glares darkly at him, his emerald eyes turning into a darker green. Poison.  The cold metal shifts slightly over his throat and the man lets out a small scream. 

"I thought he told you to shut up and listen. Do i need to slit your throat so you can finally shut that ugly mouth of yours?" 

The man makes a noise that is supposed to be a word, but it comes out strangled. Izuku lets the knife stay there a little longer before turning away and going back to put the French toast on plates.

 It's quiet, everyone stunned into silence. His aunt whimpers and softly sobs into her hands, covering her face. 

Her shoulders go up and down and the man turns to her, angry and shamed. 

"Shut the fuck up bitch!" 

He winds his hand back and slaps her head hard. It bangs onto the table, and she cries harder. Her head is red and there is a scratch from cutting it against the table. It bleeds slightly. 

"I-I'm so so-sorry!" 

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