Chapter 128

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There are portraits put all over the walls. There is nothing else in the room except for all the portraits and a soft chair in the middle. 

Toga showcases each and every one, starting at the beginning. It's a picture of Inko and Hisashi standing in front of the house. They look a lot younger, and there is a little boy standing in the middle of them.

The boy has a confused look on his little freckled face, his hands holding onto inkos dress. They are all wearing formal clothing. 

Toga grins, giving Katsuki a playful look. 

"Take all the pictures you want! Izuku is so cute no matter how old he is!" 

Dabi looks up from his phone and stares at all the portraits. 

"We walked all the way over here?" 

Toga sighs, hands on her hips. 

"Did you just notice where we were going?" 

Dabi grimaces, going to the middle of the room and sitting in the chair. He continues typing on his phone. 

"Well crusty is on his way over, then we can all meet up and get this over with."  

Katsuki brings out his phone and takes a picture of Izuku's baby face. They keep going through the portraits, toga talking about each one. They hit a big one that has the whole family in it. 

Hisashi stands over all of them, Inko at his side. Around them are everyone else. Tomura has lighter blue hair, a shirt with a hand on it over a black hoodie. Dabi stands next to him, his arm around his shoulders. 

Toga is next to Izuku, happily hugging him. Izuku puts up two peace signs. The two of them are around the same age, being smaller than everyone else. 

"This is around the time all of us showed up. This is the first one with all of us in it actually!" 

Twice folds his arms, tapping his foot as he stares at the portrait. 


"This is so fucking boring." 

Toga pats twice on the head as they move on. They are interrupted by the sound of the huge doors being opened. Tomura enters, glaring at Dabi who is the first one he sees. 

He is wearing his red shoes with his suit, idly scratching his neck. He looks around the room and his face contorts into a scowl. 

He shoves his hands into the pocket of his hoodie, which he is wearing under his suit jacket. 

"Why are we in here?" 

Toga runs over to him; her arms open wide for a hug. Tomura doges, instead walking to the chair. 

"I wanted to show Katsuki all the portraits before he gets in one himself!" 

Dabi and Tomura both turn to her at this. Then look at Katsuki and back. 

"Hes not going to be in the portrait." 

Tomura sits on the arm rest of the chair, leaning back. 

"Yeah. Inko would lose her shit if you said that." 

Dabi hums, nodding. 

"Besides, he isn't even family." 

Toga furrows her brows and points to Katsuki, who stands there watching everything go down. 

"Yeah, he is! Hes our brother-in-law!" 

Tomura glares at her, his red eyes piercing. 

"Why do you keep saying stuff like that?" 

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