Chapter 77

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These humans are odd.

His nose knows the scent of dried blood. Even when its washed away the smell still lingers. He wonders how so much blood could have been spilled in just one room. The smell puts him on edge. But these people had saved him, for whatever reason. His cage is put somewhere else next to a soft bed. 

It's nice, better than the concrete. Still, it takes some time to get used to it. He sleeps in it when the humans aren't around. He can't sleep when they are awake in the house, trying to get him to open up. They are very different when interacting with him. 

The green one likes to watch him from far away. It unnerves him, the stare reminding him of the reason he can't trust humans. Then the green one leaves treats in his bed when he thinks he doesn't know. He can smell a lot better than humans. He is mostly quiet when around him, not wanting to scare him off. There is an understanding. 

The red one is closer to him though, and if he had to choose then it might be his favorite. He barely remembers the feeling of the red one's warm body when he was being saved. He tries to reach his hand out to touch him but always pulls back. He talks to him too, sitting away most of the time. The red one is always talking, even more when the green one isn't around. He doesn't understand most of it though. He knows some words like food, water, treat, and another word the humans keep saying. 


He assumes that's the word on his silver thing. It's supposed to go around his neck, that much he knows. But he cannot trust these humans. He mostly spends his time hiding under the couch or in the room where they keep his food and box of sand. He kicks it around sometimes and it's fun to play in. Another one of his toys. The green one had talked at him for a long time after he kicked the sand box over. 

He had considered that an accomplishment. 

The humans do not like it when he does his business wherever he wants. He can tell because they talk at him, saying things like bad or no. He doesn't know what it means so he just hides away again. They seem to be leaving for something. He sees the bags. It must be a big trip. But who will feed him if they are gone. 

He cannot go outside. With his small body the windows seem so high up. 

He misses his mama, but he knows he can't see her anymore. Shes dead. Someone had told him those words, though he didn't know what those meant either. It was a feeling. Though maybe that is why he likes the red one. He is warm like mama was.  

He is walking around in the house after the humans are asleep, about to rest in his fluffy bed when he hears the creaking of the stairs. He jumps up and runs to go hide in the couch. But nothing comes. 

He hears it though. 

The sound of soft cries, muffled from distance. He knows from the voice who it is. The green one stays in the litter box for a long time. So long that he leaves the couch and goes to his bed. He falls asleep listening to his cries. 

Maybe the green one knows how he feels. 

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