Chapter 86

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"Young master, you and your guests are to accompany me as per the young mistresses' orders." 

The knock on the door almost goes unnoticed as Izuku is catching his breath from almost dying and Katsuki is choking on Fizz's cat fur that seems to already be all over the room. Izuku calls out to the women on the other side. 

"We're coming!" 

Izuku gets up, brushing his pants off and grimacing. Katsuki wipes at his eyes and fizz walks over to the door, waiting for them to open it. Izuku goes over and they walk out of the room. A woman is waiting for them, her head bowed. 

"Please follow me." 

The women leads the way, Katsuki looking at every area of the house that they pass. The smooth marble, the intercut designs in the walls, and the doors that have drawings carved into the wood. They stop in front of a glass door that leads outside. 

The women bows, her light dress fanning out slightly around her as she does so. 

"The young mistress is waiting in the garden." 

She steps away and Izuku passes through, Katsuki and Fizz following. The outside is a clearing with green grass and flowers. They are planted in little patches with a number of different types, making the garden colorful. The floral smell is strong but not so overwhelming. There are some maids watering the flowers and even when doing this task, they look graceful. 

In the middle of the clearing, Toga is sitting there on a red and white picnic blanket. There is a lot of desserts on a white cart. She sips on a cup of tea and then spots them coming through the doors. She squeals and gets up, almost dropping her cup. 

A man next to her with a mask covering his face grabs it for her as she runs toward them. She is out of her coat and is now wearing a beige sweater that is a little big on her, with a blue skirt and knee highs. She isn't wearing shoes, deciding to leave them next to the picnic spot. 

"Hey you guys! Let's have a party! You can't stay locked up in your room all day." 

Fizz looks at her then turns away, uninterested. He goes into the flowers, deciding to watch the maids water them from a shady spot under a tree. Toga is instantly at Katsuki's side, beaming up at him and asking questions. 

"More importantly, i want to get to know my brother in law! Come come! Twice," 

Toga turns to look at the man still at the picnic spot, pulling Katsuki forward as Izuku grabs his hand. Twice looks at them in response to being called. 


"What do ya want?!" 

They get to the picnic blanket and Toga plops down, pulling Katsuki down with her. Her blond hair is still in her messy buns, some strands of her hair shooting out in different directions. 

"Can you get them some tea? The one i like!" 

She turns to Katsuki again, gripping his hands in hers as Izuku looks at the cart full of desserts. 

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