Chapter 13

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Izuku moves his hand and katsuki follows him as he goes into the living room.

"You wanna watch a movie?" 

Izuku looks back at him and nods, a smile on his face. 

"You pick. I'm gonna change my clothes." 

Izuku goes upstairs, the sound of his footsteps getting further and further away. Katsuki goes to the dresser like table that is supporting the T.V and gets on his knees. He goes through all the DVDs and picks something. Izuku comes back down wearing a black T shirt with grey sweatpants. Katsuki puts the DVD in and watches it go in. Izuku goes to the small closet in the hallway and gets a big blanket. 

They both sit next to each other, their thighs lightly touching. Katsuki is stiff and rubs his hands on his shorts. Izuku glances at him, the small smile still on his face, his eyes shining in amusement. Most of the light is coming from the T.V screen, the sun setting outside which they can both see from the one window on the far side. The blanket sits on top of the both of them, not really comfortably around them. 

Katsuki wants to grab it and wrap it around both of them, but it seems like it would be a risk. If he did, Izuku would probably push him away and he is positive he won't be able to sit here and pretend his fine with that for a whole movie. He had put on one of his favorite scary movies and the both of them watch it intensely. 

Twenty minutes into the movie, Izuku feels Katsuki move closer to him, the couch slightly shifting because of the movement. He moves his arm to go around Katsuki's shoulders and brings him closer. Their sides are completely pushed against each other now and the tips of Katsuki's ears are red. Izuku grins and turns his attention back to the T.V screen where a man in a mask with a knife is slowly walking towards a girl who is screaming her head off. 


Katsuki takes a couple of deep breaths to calm his racing heart and finally relaxes enough to continue to watch the movie. The movie seems to be more enjoyable now that their close together. When it ends Katsuki has to force himself to get up and move. Izuku watches him get up with a fondness in his eyes before he shakes it off. The both of them go upstairs to Izuku's room. Katsuki rubs his eyes, yawning. He really shouldn't have spent all day cleaning, but it's not like there was anything else to do. 

"Hey. Some girl invited me to hang out with her and her friends tomorrow night," 

Katsuki stiffens at the beginning of the sentence, looking at Izuku with slight panic in his eyes. 

" ...and I made sure to let her know I'm bringing a plus one."

At this, Katsuki's panic turns into embarrassment and surprise. 


Izuku laughs and beams at him, his lips making dimples show on his freckled cheeks. 

"I told her i was living with a roommate." 

Izuku takes out his phone from his sweatpants pocket, points the camera at Katsuki and takes a picture.

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