Chapter 119

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Katsuki cuts up cabbage quickly, putting them into a pot full of broth. The people around him are busy doing their own things, preparing for the family's lunch. It seems they also make food for the servants of the house. This makes everything always busy. 

Katsuki feels his heart quicken in excitement, not being able to help the grin on his face. He was given a uniform, not as fancy as Kurogiris, just the one every other cook is wearing. His sleeves are rolled up and he gets other ingredients out. 

A fairly built man comes up next to him, starting to wash dishes in the huge sink. Speaking of, Izuku wasn't lying when he said the grand kitchen has its name for a reason. It's the biggest kitchens he's ever seen in his whole life. 

There are at least three huge stoves in the back, even smokers. The fridges are so huge they are the size of the rooms here, and the supply closet is stocked to the brim with ingredients. Don't even get him started on the cooking equipment. 

Seriously, he's only seen this type of shit in his dreams. 

The grin on his face gets wider and he cuts faster. If he could have this kitchen, he would die happy. The man washing dishes next to him gives him an uneasy glance. The water is running quickly, and even when he looks away his hands never stop moving. 

Thats also something he loves about this place. 

No one ever stops, not even to breath. It's all busy work, everyone knowing their places, what do to, and how to get it done. This is where professionals work day and night, and Katsuki is right here, in it. 

His heart is going to fucking explode. 

"Um, you ok there kid?" 

Katsuki looks at the man, still grinning. He puts the rest of the vegetables in the broth. His hand slips slightly but he covers it up, making sure he doesn't mess up. The man has brown spikey hair and glasses, a concerned look on his face. 

"Y-yeah I'm fine. What?" 

The man puts his hands up in a surrendering gesture at Katsuki's harsh tone, continuing his dishes. He stares at the sink, his eyebrows raised. 

"Nothing nothing, just wondering. You looked like you were going to kill someone." 

Katsuki huffs and makes sure the broth is good. He takes a step back and crouches down to take a look at the oven built into the counter. The little light inside makes it easy to see the meat he put in a little while ago. 

The man glances down at Katsuki again, to which the teen glares back at him. 

"What the hell is your deal old man?!" 

The man's shoulders jump, and he sheepishly laughs. 

"Sorry, i don't mean to stare. It's just that you look so much like my wife! Haha!" 

Katsuki ignores the man and gets up, turning on his heel and walking to the fridges. 


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