Chapter 78

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A week passes by before they can get a flight scheduled and everything packed. Fizz has gotten used to them, but Katsuki is worried about him being in a new place so soon. Still, his worries are put to rest when the kitten stays by his side most of the time. 

Izuku is busy getting all of the other stuff ready like time, hotels, gas, and something else he won't tell Katsuki about. Izuku is up in their room talking on the phone and with him so preoccupied, Katsuki and fizz are mostly alone together.

 Now that the kitten has gotten used to them, he lays in a small ball in Katsuki's lap while the blonde is watching T.V. 

While he is flipping through the shows for something to watch, there is suddenly a prickling feeling on his neck, and he feels his hair stand up.

 He turns his head to the window in the living room, but he doesn't see anything out of the ordinary. Fizz looks up because of Katsuki moving, also facing the window. Then they both see it. 

A pair of eyes staring at them through the glass, so far away they might have missed it if they weren't looking so hard. 

Katsuki jumps slightly, Fizz running off of his lap. The kitten meows loudly while he's running, and Katsuki goes closer to the window. The eyes disappear the next time he blinks, and he almost thinks he never saw it in the first place. But he knows what he saw. 


Izuku quickly turns the corner into the living room, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. He almost falls so he leans on the wall before pushing off and getting closer to Katsuki. 

"Are you ok?" 

Stepping around his legs is Fizz, looking up at them with his blue eyes. Katsuki points to the window and Izuku looks in that direction. 

"I saw someone fucking staring at us through the window."

Katsuki watches his face darken, and he grabs his hand. Izuku looks at him and bites his bottom lip nervously. Katsuki notices how bruised and ripped it is, the freckled boy must have been doing it a lot more lately. 

"We've waited long enough, we're leaving tonight." 

Katsuki nods and brings him closer, pulling him by grabbing his other hand. 

"Izuku listen," 

Katsuki cups his face with one hand, watching Izuku's eyes widen slightly. Green eyes that he could never get enough of, the tiny stars on his face that Katsuki can count for hours. 

"I know that things have been hard for you. But we'll have each other's back the whole time, i promise." 

He smiles at him. 

"I love you." 

Izuku's eyes stare into his and red blush covers his cheeks. 

Holy shit-

Izuku's expression faulters, his face still red. Both of their heartbeats quicken. 

Izuku doesn't know what to say. It... 

Does something to him. His first reaction is to pull away, to leave, but he feels Fizz behind him. if he leaves now, he'll probably trip over the poor guy. 

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