Chapter 100

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I listened to this while making this chapter. 

The doors to the main dining room are huge. So huge in fact, that it takes two people on each side to open it completely. They pull it from an awkward angle and if it helps put a picture in your mind, Izuku would never use the word graceful to describe the process. 

The door itself has designs carved into the wood like many other ones here. But what makes this door different is what is carved into it. A family tree of all the Midoriya's from years before Izuku was even a thought.

The door used to scare him when he was little, so big and tall that he thought it would crush him. The hopes, dreams and sacrifices of all his ancestors on one big sign, screaming at him to carry every single one. 

He wanted to once, wanted to bring this family to a brighter future. 

But now he just wants to never set foot in this house again. 

The servants are done opening the door and everyone steps inside. Saying the main dining room is big would be an understatement. This used to be the room where close family from all the corners of the world would come and have dinner. 

All the empty chairs make it feel like an endless void. This is one of the rooms with some family pictures. Outdated ones because Izuku is three and no one else is there except for him and his parents. 

New ones are around too, ones when he was five and everyone came to the house. The one that sends chills through his body is the one of him and his father. The man, much younger, has a hand on his shoulder, holding it tight. 

They both have blank expressions on their faces and are dressed in suits. His little kid body looks so out of place beside that huge build. He remembers being so scared while posing for this portrait. His father never touched him unless it was to throw a punch into his gut. 

Now here he sits, in his normal place. His face is grim and when he sees Izuku's arm around Katsuki's shoulder, his face tightens even more. His mother sits on the seat beside him, her eyes glazed over. They regain their focus when she sees Izuku. 

Toga always complained that Inko never quite looked at anyone other than him. If only she knew why. 

"Get these extra tables out of the way. I want to see my children." 

His gruff and firm voice bounces off of the walls almost effortlessly. It must have been Izuku's imagination because no one else has a reaction to it. The servants move quickly, getting the tables out as quietly as possible. 

When everything is in place, the extra chairs are gone. They start to fill them up. He leads Katsuki to a seat, and Inko grabs Izuku's hand. 

"Sit with your mother, Izuku." 

Her voice is still that soft whisper that glides to everyone. He doesn't look at her. He can't. Instead, he takes his hand away and sits a seat over, Katsuki in the middle. Twice leaves the room with the servants. Toga sits next to Izuku. Dabi and Tomura are on the opposite side of the table. 


Thank you everyone for your support. i feel like 100 is a big milestone so thank you for reading this far. 


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