Chapter 107

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Katsuki sleeps soundly after that. As if he's going to lose sleep over some crazy bitch. When he wakes up the next time it's to something much better. 

Izuku is out of the bed, going through one of the dressers. Katsuki watches him, still half asleep. He takes off his shirt and flings it to a laundry basket. Katsuki stares a lot longer than needed, now fully awake. 

There are scars littered all over his body, but the freckles are even more visible. They had taken a bath together forever ago and Katsuki still feels like his heart is going to explode. 

Izuku turns his head and smiles at him. 

"Good morning, Katsuki! Did you sleep well? I feel asleep first huh?" 

Katsuki sits up, feeling some parts of his bed head sticking to his face. He blinks, not saying anything for a second. He stares while his brain is trying to process what Izuku just said. It finally hits him though and he quickly looks away, face red. 

"U-Um! Yeah, you passed the hell out. I paused it though so i don't think you missed anything." 

Izuku grins at him and pulls his shirt over his head, his curls poofing up slightly. His white shirt reads 'T - Shirt'. His green eyes shine with that normal excited brightness. Katsuki smiles, his chin resting on his propped up knee. 

"You should get changed; everyone should be going down for breakfast soon." 

Katsuki nods, moving the comforter to get out of bed. Then it hits him. He stands up and stretches, glancing at Izuku who is putting some socks on. 

"Did you wake up last night?" 

Izuku looks up at him, a confused look on his face. 

So cute

"No? Why did you?" 

Katsuki nods, going to the dresser to get his own clothes. He looks through it while talking. 

"Yeah. Your mom came into the room. I don't know what the hell she was doing but she tried to touch your face. Dunno." 

Fizz is already up, hiding under the bed. Katsuki sees the tip of his tail flinging widely as he picks up a shirt. It's a black one with a skull in the middle. When Izuku and him went shopping for clothes, Katsuki had taken an instant liking to this one. 

This ended in Izuku buying him a whole bunch. 

"Did she say anything?" 

He puts it on and chooses some black pants. He speaks while putting one leg into them. 

"Something about me having intentions to take you away, she said some shit about me leaving and that if i didn't she had ways to make it happen. Bullshit like that." 

As Katsuki is fixing his pants, Izuku turns to him, eyes wide.

"She said that?" 

Katsuki hums and puts on some socks. 

"Are you ok?" 

Katsuki grins at him, Fizz jumping out from under the bed. Izuku has a worried look on his face. 

"I'm fine nerd. Like she's gonna get rid of me that easy." 

Izuku still looks slightly worried, but before he can say anything there is a loud bang at their door. Everyone jumps, quickly looking toward it.


There is the sound of footsteps and a distant 'Come on Twice!' 

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