Chapter 75

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Izuku agrees, then hangs up the phone. He slips it into his pocket in one quick motion and goes to the receptionist desk to fill out the paperwork for the vet. Once he's done, he gives the clipboard to the women, who smiles at him. Her red lipstick looks familiar. Maybe the same kind that Uraraka wore? Or maybe not. He doesn't remember. 

"It's so cool that you brought that cat in here. Its sweet." 

He nods and gives her no response as she puts the information into the computer. She keeps talking though. 

"I like sweet things. Do you think when your done here you might want to get coffee later?" 

Izuku finally looks at her, his green eyes taking in her flirtatious expression. He gives her a polite smile. 

"I have a boyfriend." 

Thats a lie, but it still feels kind of nice to say it. Its bittersweet, and he sees the shock on her face and leaves back to the room where Katsuki is waiting. He walks in and drops his fake smile, plopping himself into a plastic black chair next to Katsuki. 

Katsuki looks at him and grabs his hand, holding it in his. He goes back to his original position. Izuku grabs it back, trailing his thumb over one of his knuckles absent mindedly. He also looks at the ceiling, both of them taking a minute to just relax. 

"I filled everything out. You think the pet store is open today?" 

Katsuki hums. Izuku glances at the sleeping kitten and then at Katsuki. 

"Do you want to go, or do you want to stay with him?" 

Katsuki stands up, his hand still holding Izuku's. He smiles at him, his red eyes gleaming. 

"I'll go. You stay here for a little bit." 

Izuku looks at him and kisses his knuckles, letting his hand go. 


Katsuki turns red and Izuku slips his card and keys into his hand. Katsuki grips it and rushes out of the room, but not before hearing Izuku laugh softly behind him. He glances at the receptionist, who gives him a sour look. He raises a brow but just keeps walking. 

"Bitch what are you lookin at?" 

She gasps and he doesn't turn around as he leaves the building. He gets into Izuku's car and puts in directions for the nearest pet store which is five minutes away. He starts to drive, the engine humming smoothly. 

Izuku takes out his phone again, tapping at it. He clicks the green call button and waits. It rings three times before someone answers. 


He takes the phone from his ear, not surprised by the yelling. 

"Yeah, it's me. We might be going over earlier then what i thought." 

She squeals and starts off in an excited rant. Izuku leans back and listens to his sister's voice as she speaks. 

Katsuki gets into the store and goes to the cat section. There are a ton of stuff, way more than what he first thought. He decides to get almost everything, feeling slightly guilty for spending so much. He sees a machine that makes special name tags for collars when he's cashing out. 

With all the bags in his hands, he stops at the machine. He looks at all the designs they have and picks one with bold letters. He thinks for a couple of seconds before putting in a name. 


He laughs at it and sends a picture to Izuku. He gets an instant reply. 

Izuku: Fizz? 

Katsuki: Yeah. For his name. 

Izuku: I like it, it's cute. 

Katsuki presses finish and the machine starts to engrave the name in the tag. Once it's done, it lands with a clink and Katsuki gets it. It's warm in his hand as he leaves the store and gets into the car. 

Authors note: 

Happy almost Valentines Day. 

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