Chapter 4

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"P-Please, you don't want to do this! Please! I'll give you money! Do you want money!? I have tons of money my father is a CEO! Money and sex! Please-" 

Katsuki plunges the knife deep into the girl's chest where her heart is. Blood gushes out of the wound, covering the knifes hilt and his hands, splattering all over the front of her as her screams die. 

Katsuki removes the knife and stumbles back. She falls forward and a puddle of blood begins to form. Izuku is genuinely surprised. One, he didn't expect Katsuki to even make a choice, and two, he didn't think he would choose so fast despite all the girl's pleadings.

Katsuki feels bile rise up his throat, and he turns his body, throwing up. It ends up right where the girl is. Izuku sighs. 

"Great. Now the basement smells like corpse and vomit." 

Katsuki looks at the ground in shame. 


Izuku stands and picks up Katsuki, who yelps in surprise. 

"I'm not gonna let you sit here in your own filth. Besides, you need a bath." 

Katsuki looks at Izuku as he goes up the stairs, opening the door and going to a small bathroom. Izuku starts the water in the bath which rushes into the white surface. He sets Katsuki on the counter. Katsuki tries to take off his shirt, but he struggles. His hands are still shaking. Izuku laughs. 

"Your just like a little kid. Here." 

Izuku takes off Katsuki's shirt and then the rest of his clothes, all the while, Katsuki's face is light up like a Christmas light. 

"How long have i been here..." 

His voice is soft and quiet, especially with the loud sounds of the water. Katsuki just realizes just how thirsty he is, his throat feeling scratchy when the words leave his mouth. Izuku hums. 

"It's been three days. This is the fourth day. It's odd actually..." 

Izuku stares at him like a cat looking at a weak mouse before it makes its move to bite down at it. It makes Katsuki shiver slightly, though he will never admit it. 

"I was positive that someone would come looking for you. It has been a while... Why do you think that is? It's almost like no one cares about you. Are you a nobody? A loser? Hmm? Answer me." 

Katsuki avoids eye contact, ashamed and embarrassed. Izuku stares, waiting for an answer. He notices the bath is full and he leans down to turn off the water. 

With one final screech, the bathroom is completely silent. Katsuki is beginning to hate the quiet again. Izuku picks him up again, putting him into the warm water. He starts to take off his clothes and Katsuki turns red. 

"W-What the hell are you doing?!" 

Izuku looks at him, confused. Then he teasingly smiles. 

"I'm taking a bath with you... What? Are you shy?" 

Izuku laughs as he says this, and finally takes off the last of his clothing. Katsuki tries not to stare, flustered. Instead, he looks at the water.

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