Chapter 65

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Once he's sure Katsuki is finished, he speaks. Their voices travel so far, even when they aren't even talking that loud. 

"I know what i promised Katsuki and i plan to keep it-" 

Again, Katsuki speaks over him, his hands gripping the wall, his body still hidden. 

"Then why are you sneaking around in the dark after I'm asleep to talk to this girl? Thats shady as hell and you know it." 

Izuku internally screams. Of course, this is what he's thinking, it does look shady but he's not doing anything. 

"Izuku who's that? Why aren't you answering? You ok? Izuku? Hey, getting worried over here dude! Hey!" 

Katsuki looks to the phone again, his hands gripping even tighter. They begin to shake. 

"Whoever is there better say something or I'm going to come over there myself you hear me?!" 

Izuku looks at the screen and talks. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine stop yelling now. It's just him, you know.

Katsuki gives him a look, probably even more suspicious now that he's heard Izuku hinting at something. There is a gasp on the other side of the phone and then toga screams at the top of her lungs. 


Katsuki looks surprised for a moment, but he still doesn't move. He doesn't answer either, instead continuing to stare at Izuku. 


"Maybe if you stop yelling, he'll talk to you." 

Toga yells some more then finally calms down. Izuku looks at Katsuki, a small smile on his face. 

"Katsuki, this is my sister. Toga, this is Katsuki Bakugou." 


Katsuki's eyes widen, that dark look gone, now replaced with embarrassment. He looks down and looks like he's about to leave. Izuku opens his arms, welcoming him. Katsuki sees this and goes over, his footsteps soft and slow, still looking down.

 Izuku watches his every move, from the hallway and until he's sitting on his lap, the phone in front of them so it's easier to talk. 


His voice is awkward and Izuku almost laughs, but that would just make him more embarrassed. Thankfully toga makes up for it. 

"I'm Toga Himiko Midoriya! But since your part of the family now, call me your new sister!" 

Izuku curses her.

Katsuki turns red and turns his head to look at Izuku, then back at the phone. 


"And don't you worry my new brother, I'll make sure that everyone else accepts you too! Izuku was talking about bringing you over here so we could all get to meet you! But of course, that is when he's ready! Oh, but if you do end up coming, we are going to have so much fun! I can't wait to talk to you! I'll even show you my special collection! Fun fact about your new family, we all have little hobbies of our own! I can't wait to show you mine! And-" 

"Toga. He just woke up, give him some time before you drop all of this on him. And what do you mean new brother?!" 

Toga giggles. 


Shes the devil. 

"I'm sorry Izu I'm just excited!" 

Katsuki hums and looks at him. 

"It's ok Izuku, i don't mind." 

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