Chapter 42

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Now he takes in the women. She is fiddling with her hands nervously, small beads of sweat going down her forehead. He sees the purple and blue of fresh bruises peeking out from under her tattered shirt and jacket.

 Clearly, she had been punished before coming here. Had he always hit his wife? For what reason? 

Izuku has a lot of questions of his own, but he's here to support Katsuki, not bring up unwanted memories by asking. 

But wasn't it already too late for that? These two coming here and ruining this bubble of paradise Izuku has created had ruined Katsuki's mental state for days. 

He has to wait before he can become violent though, or Katsuki would surely be even more upset. He can be patient until someone slips up and they end up dead. 

Meanwhile, Katsuki is mixing cinnamon, sugar, eggs and milk together. He watches the ingredients mix together, zoning out. 

It spins and spins and clinks against the bowl over and over. The pattern is mesmerizing, and Katsuki gets lost in it. 

The sound never changing, the slight tension in Katsuki's arms never shifting as they focus on their task. Izuku notices that Katsuki hasn't moved for a while and turns to him. 

He goes over and grabs the bowl from his hands. Katsuki jumps and looks up at him. 

Izuku gives him that same smile and whisks it some more, his forearm flexing slightly. He puts the bowl down and heats up the stove. 

"Go take a seat Katsuki. I got this." 

Katsuki stares at him for a moment, grateful. Then he turns to his tormenters and sits down in the same chair Izuku was in before. 

The other two sit up straighter, their hands on the table. He looks at the both of them, taking them in. These were the people who took him in. Who hurt him. 


"Shut the hell up." 

He turns to her, zoning in on just her. She is the first one he will ask. She shuts her lips tightly as she looks down again. 

"I want to know why you did it." 

She looks up at him again, eyes wide and full of tears. She lets out a shaky breath and tries to calm down. After a minute or two she speaks. 

"Katsuki i don't know what-" 

He slams his fist on the table, startling her and she jumps, letting out a yelp. His uncle watches him with careful eyes, warning him. Katsuki hears Izuku putting the soaked-up bread in the sizzling pan. 

"Don't start playing dumb bitch. Tell me." 

Some tears run down her face, and she wipes at her cheeks, making them red and agitated


Katsuki waits. Izuku gets a plate to start putting the ready French toast on, continuing the process with the other ones. He listens. His aunt clears her throat and begins to speak again. 

"It was because i knew that it would be worse if i stepped in-"

Katsuki interrupts her, a cold fury on his face.

"It would have been worse for you if you stepped in you mean." 

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