Chapter 40

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Katsuki's eyes widen as he stares at his uncle. 

"She was perfect. But i just wasn't enough, i guess. My best friend, your dad, was the one she had her eyes on. Don't fucking ask me why either." 

"I was his friend, but damn was he nerdy. Never really talked to anyone, kept to himself a lot. Was kinda smart i guess but that's all he had going for him. Still, he was the one she married." 

His uncle tosses back another beer, slamming it down on the table so loud Katsuki jumps. 

"So, what did i do? I settled for the next best thing. I married her sister. She was ugly, at least compared to her. But she was a good lay so i kept her around. Now your here, looking exactly like her and i can't control myself you know?" 

Katsuki doesn't know why but he feels even more uncomfortable, a shiver running through his arms. His uncle looks at him and gestures. 

"Come here." 

Katsuki does so with shaky limbs, crawling over. His uncle grabs at him, pulling him to his lap. He can feel his big, fat hands gripping his ass.

His breath stings Katsuki's nose and he flinches. His uncle takes his one of his hands away from his ass to caresses his face,  putting his hand in his hair. 

"I'm going to call you Mitsuki got it? Only when we're alone so the witch doesn't find out. So don't tell ok?" 

He doesn't know what's going on.

One thing leads to another, and now his shirt is being lifted up. His voice traps itself in his ribcage as he shakes. 

He tries to move away but his uncle's fat hands only grip him tighter, so much bigger and stronger than him. 

"Don't fight it Mitsuki..." 

 What is he supposed to do?

His uncles tongue licks a thick stripe up the column of his neck, sending disgusted shivers up his spine. 

 What is this? It makes him feel dirty.  

When it's over, Katsuki is back to how he was before. 

He knows she knows. He sees the way she looks at him. But still, she does nothing. She just sits in silence, pretending like everything is just fine. 

It's because he is in a better mood after they do those disgusting things. He buys her stuff, kisses her cheek, flirts with her. It makes her feel wanted. 


So, she doesn't do anything. He isn't allowed out except for school stuff. He is nothing but a toy. He is disgusted with himself and as he grows older, he knows why it was wrong. 

He begins to slowly fade. At school, no one talks to him, saying that he's dirty and gross as if they know what his uncle does to him behind closed doors. Then, Katsuki sees Izuku. Stunning, popular, loved. Izuku had everything.

 He was clean. 

Katsuki started following him around everywhere, to his home, to his hangouts. This is the one clean thing he gets, and he won't let anyone take it away from him. 

It isn't wrong, it isn't stalking. Katsuki doesn't want to hurt Izuku, he just wants to watch over him. He wants to make sure the one thing in his life that feels right is safe. Thats all. 

He started to get home late, blaming it on schoolwork. But soon, they started to notice. With him being gone for longer, his uncle started to go back to his angry outburst. 

His aunt was the one who had to pay for it, which made her pity turn into resentment. 

He couldn't be there anymore. 

Izuku saved him. 

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