Chapter 130

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The maids give Katsuki a look when they see him. Katsuki glares back at them, his annoyance skyrocketing again.  Izuku ignores it and looks at all the suits put in clothes bags. They are on a rack, Izuku looking through their sizes quickly. He makes a sound and hands one to Katsuki. 

"Put this one on." 

Katsuki wraps his arms around the bag and nods. He races to the curtain on the other end of the room. But before he can get in, the two maids step up and look at Izuku. They block his way. 

"Young master, the mistress of this house has given us all orders not to-" 

Izuku interrupts the two, giving them a blank look. 

"Shes given me permission. Let him change now." 

The two maids look at each other and nod, then step out of the way. Katsuki goes past the curtain and changes into the suit. The fabric is nice and smooth, the quality making him put it on really carefully.

He fixes the red tie and looks at himself in the mirror on one side of the small area inside of the curtain. 

It fits nicely on him. He puts a hand in his hair and shakes it slightly, trying to fix it up a little. He feels his heart beat fast as he steps out to show Izuku. 

The other doesn't say anything for a while, just staring at him. Katsuki looks at Izuku, feeling his face heat up. 

"What's that face for? Does it look weird or something?" 

Izuku puts his hands up quickly, shaking his head. 

"N-no, you look..." 

Izuku's sentence trails off and Katsuki sees his ears turn red. His eyes widen and he grins, raising a brow. 

"Amazing since I'm leaving you speechless right now." 

Izuku stares at him and then his face breaks out into a big smile. 

"Exactly. You look amazing." 

Katsuki's brain brakes and Izuku can tell because he just laughs. 

"Let's get going." 

Izuku takes his hand and leads him out of the room. Katsuki glances back and sees the two maids whispering to each other. 

Hes about to say something but the doors are closed behind them. They walk back to the room they are supposed to take the portrait in. Izuku gives him a small smile and squeezes his hand. 

Katsuki gives one back, determination in his eyes. 

"We got this nerd." 

Izuku doesn't say anything as the door opens. They step inside and inko is already instructing everyone. This is one of the very few moments she speaks to her other kids. She doesn't even turn her head when they enter. 

"Toga at the end, Tomura you go next to her. Izuku will sit there, and Dabi right there-" 

Her husband, who is standing over everyone already sitting down, interrupts her. 

"And Bakugou Inko. Remember what we talked about." 

She looks at her husband, her eyebrows furrowed. Then she falters, dropping her shoulders. 

"Yes, yes. He will sit at the end then." 

Toga sees Izuku and Katsuki, breaking out in a smile. 

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