Chapter 81

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"They left."

Enji looks up from his paperwork, staring hard at Todoroki through his glasses. They are in the station after hours, everyone already gone for the day. The older man was working on other things while Todoroki waited patiently for him to finish.

He had been looking at his phone when he got an alert from one of the police officers sent to watch for anything suspicious, namely the one sent to watch Midoriya and Bakugou. The report for a threat on the two was sent and an officer was assigned to patrol the area closely.

"What do you mean they left?"

The older man sits up straighter now, taking off his glasses and putting them in the drawer in his desk. The room is dimly lit only by a table lamp, the rest of the station bathed in darkness. Todoroki guesses they left because of the threat. He had read the report with his father. A dying cat with a message written in its blood would scare anyone.

"They aren't in the house and someone from the airport just dropped off their car."

The man is silent, already packing up his stuff. Todoroki watches him carefully. The man slings a bag over his shoulder, fixing his shirt as he starts to speak.

"Don't you think its suspicious. With everything going on around those two, it has to mean something."

Todoroki wants to say that it's probably suspicious to him because Midoriya is close to the man who 'ruined' his life. But there are real reasons it is suspicious.

"Yes, it does seem a little bit off. With them both connected to the Uraraka case, this new threat on their door, and with the report from Bakugou's aunt and uncle, it's putting them in a big spotlight."

The man just nods, a grim expression on his face. He goes to the door and Todoroki follows.

¨We'll start looking into Mr. Bakugou's family and his abduction while they are gone. There is nothing else we can do but get ready for when they get back."

Todoroki spots something on the man's desk. There is an open file with a small stack of papers and a face stares back at him.

'Katsuki Bakugou'

The plane ride isn't as bad as Katsuki thought, being asleep for most of it. By the time they get off of the plane, it's the middle of the afternoon. The airport is certainly different in the day, tons of people running off, the busy air sending excitement through him.

It isn't as cold as he thought it would be. Izuku grabs his hand as they walk, leading him to get their bags and Fizz. When the cat carrier is back in his arms and he hears Fizz meowing like he is excited for the start of their trip too, he lets a big grin plaster itself on his face.

Izuku checks his phone again once they are outside of the airport, waiting for someone. He feels Izuku's hand grip tighter to his own and tries to comfort him. 

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